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"Another cup please...." I ordered from my table.

I had driven out of the school earlier, the gate was left opened and the security officers weren't on their duty posts.

Made it easier for me to drive out without any unnecessary attention.

I'd been driving just around and round the neighborhood, I was driving at a very high speed, it was like I was relishing all my emotions on the steering wheel and the acceleration.

I was......scared.

I had dropped by one of my best places after roaming round the street for about an hour.

'Royal creams.'

A young girl about Ivy's age or so, came a few moments later with another cup of mixed flavored icecream with it's accompanying spoon.

I guess she's a new waitress here.

I took the spoon immediately she dropped it and took a large chunk of icecream from the big clear plate into my mouth.

I noticed that she was still standing there.

"Are you okay?" She asked and I looked up to her.

I feigned a chuckle.

"If all the horrible things happening to me is a definition of 'okay' then I'm okay," I replied.

She looked at my table and I did too, it made me realize that there were already six empty cups on it.

Why should she even care? Isn't she meant to be happy that they're selling their product?

"Please seek help when you can...before it gets worse....before it gets to a point when you can no longer control it," was what she said before packing all the empty cups into a tray, cleaning the table and leaving...

Leaving me to ponder on whatever she'd just said.


I'm gonna tell them....

I'm going to open up to them.

Tell them everything that has been bothering me all this while.

They're my family after all, they'll understand right?

It was already around five in the evening, I had ditched school for the rest of the day and I stayed in 'Royal creams' for about three hours before finding my way home in a very slow, steady ride.

I was still in my car, even if I had parked it in my driveway for about fifteen minutes.

I was mentally preparing myself for whatever was going to happen.

I got out of the car and took slow steps towards the door.

From outside, I could hear sounds from inside that seemed like an argument, I was hearing loud voices but I couldn't make out the words.

I started overthinking telling them.

Even started thinking twice about going in.

But I had to do it, I had already made up my mind. Procrastination shouldn't be an option...

Tomorrow might be too late.

I fondled with the doorknob and opened it slowly. Immediately it was fully opened, all the noise stopped and all eyes were on me.

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