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This chapter is dedicated to GarimaSingh743 for your vote and comments. Thanks a lot for the support.
You could check out her books on her profile, they are worth reading❤


People say different things about me;

I'm rude.

I'm selfish.

I have anger issues.

I'm proud.

Some people even go to the extent of calling me a whore. It's not my fault guys get attracted, they could as well work on their looks.

But they should also know that I don't give a fuck about whatever they have to say.

I'm Stella Downer!

As stupid as it may sound, that name carries enough authority.

I'm presently in the bathroom trying to get that damn stain out of my shoes.

It infuriates me the more that none of my friends even cared to check up on me. Maybe they are also afraid of me in this state.

Who am I kidding?

Sometimes, I'm afraid of my own self when I'm angry.

Finally satisfied with my shoes, I adjusted myself and decided to powder my face a bit before applying my nude lip gloss.

I walked out of the bathroom and closed the door.

"I've been waiting."

I got startled a bit by the sudden husky tone, I turned around immediately to come face to chest with someone.

The scent of a farmiliar cologne hit me and I already knew who it was.

"Daniel!" I squealed before pulling him in for a hug. I was even surprised by the smile on my face.

"So you miss me this much, huh?" He teased immediately we broke the hug.

"No, I'm angry at you, you couldn't even call last night," I replied feigning a sad face but I couldn't just be angry at him.

"I'm sorry, okay?" He said, like he was talking to a little child and I found myself blushing endlessly.

This guy really brings out another part of me.

"I'm still angry," I replied even if I knew that the look on my face was saying otherwise.

"Should I make it up to you?" He asked with a farmiliar husky tone, coming closer with little steady steps. The proximity between us was threatening and his face was less than an inch apart from mine.

"You can try," I whispered and a second later, his lips were on mine. His hands traveling round my body till it got to my waist, our lips moving in sync.

I felt flutters in my tummy and the air surrounding us felt heated and electrified.

I so miss this...

Me and him...

Him and I...

He is just perfect.

His hands went lower and he cupped my butt.

"We should be in class," I said before breaking the kiss, it was turning to a make out session.

"No..." He groaned, pouting like a little child.

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