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Landor Jackson

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Landor Jackson.


He pulled up in the parking lot of a familiar place.

'BEETLES' written above it with red neon lights.

It is a multi-used bar, it was a bit small when it comes to size but it containes a small park, restaurant, hotel rooms and even a hall to throw different types of parties or events.

I used to come here with Daniel.

I frowned at the thought of that. He's part of my past now.

"Coming?" He briefly asked and I realised that I was still sitting put in the car.

"Sure," I faintly replied.

I didn't still get the reason why he would bring me to such a fancy place while I clearly presently looked like the opposite.

I was putting on dark coloured clothes, so the stain wasn't as visible but my puffed off face and messy hair still stood out.

"You look beautiful," he suprisingly complimented and a small smile drew on my lips.

Later on, we walked hand in hand before we made ourselves comfortable on a seat which he had led me to.

He pre-ordered a glass of juice for me and a glass of alcohol for himself before our food gets ready but I yanked his glass of alcohol and gulped it down immediately.

You shouldn't be taking that right now," he said before dragging the 'almost empty' glass out of my hands.

"I needed it more," I briefly slurred in reply.

A minute later, our food was served. The smell of spicy chicken soup filled the air and hit my nostrils with such brutality.

They served one of the best meals. The bar was usually filled up at nights but it was still earlier in the afternoon so, they were still a number of people.

We started eating rather slowly though I could feel his gaze on me. I looked up at him and he just gave me a warm smile in return.

It was more than warm. It melted my heart as he flashed his ever white perfectly set teeth at me.

He didn't look away, it still lingered on me and it made me feel so uncomfortable. I tried so hard not to blush profusely but I'm sure my face was probably the colour of an over-riped tomato.

This guy made me forget all my problems and I just wish he could ask me out right now and we could just get married and stay together forever.


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