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This chapter is dedicated to chilseannn
Thank you for giving my book a chance💜



The day we get to participate in our extremely strenuous general environmental clean up.

Believe me, only my own share of work here on a Saturday covers up all the chores I do at home for two weeks.

Not to mention our super strict work inspector.

That woman is like one of the meanest so far, sometimes I wonder if she's a prison escapee of a foreign country.

Even though the mornings are always stressful, it's still a day to rest from the hell of a week we must have gone through.

But above all, it is one of the days we're allowed to see our family and loved ones.

Even if you aren't expecting any one, there's still a probability of an officer suddenly barging into your cell and informing you of someone being around to see you.

I'm quite an example here, I was simply crouched on the floor (which was suddenly and suprisingly becoming my favorite spot), narrating 'Life in a year,' a movie I'd watched to Roxie till I started hearing heavy footsteps moving down the hallway, in between all the cell rooms in rows and columns till it got to mine.

It was the nicer, blonde officer on duty this time and she had told me I had a visitor.

"It's a good looking young guy," she whispered before winking towards me.

I looked at Roxie and she had a kind of sly grin plastered on her face before winking at me too.

What the heck is wrong with them and winking?!

I seriously wasn't expecting anybody today, or for the weekend in general...not even my family...but there was only one good looking young guy that I could think of right now, that would find the time to visit me in jail.

That same guy I hadn't seen since the day I clocked eighteen.

But it had been exactly eight weeks since then.

Eight freaking weeks! Fifty six freaking days! And about one thousand, three hundred and forty-four freaking hours!

Let's not even talk about the minutes and seconds.

Or milliseconds...

I thought I'd already been completely forgotten by that side of the world.

I walked in and my instict was right. It was him, his hair as sexy and scattered as always.

Did I just think 'sexy'?"


The blonde woman gave a smile before leaving.

We weren't actually the only ones there, two other tables were also contained by other visitors.

I walked towards him and quietly sat on the chair opposite him in a way that we were a 'table' apart.

One part of me was so glad he was here while the other dominant part of me felt so bad and angry that he never cared to see how I was faring in the last few weeks.

I've always tried to suppress that dominant side of me that beared anger. Well, it's not like I yelled at him or anything, I just looked away and stayed quiet.

Extremely quiet.

"How are you?" He asked.

I scoffed.

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