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This chapter is dedicated to Xeeroo08.
Thank you so much for checking out my book.
She also writes and she has a book on her profile titled 'call it fate'.
Y'all should check it out💜💜


Timothy stood up from the bench.

"Please leave," he said in a surprisingly low tone.

"Oh....you're here, I thought you decided to cut all ties with your family" Zach replied.

I guess he hasn't seen me yet.

His head twitched and he looked towards me.

Okay, he'd probably seen me now. I looked straight back at him and shot him the darkest glare I could come up with.

I fuckin' hate this guy for breaking Ivy's damn heart and making me fight Tianna for what wasn't even her fault.

She was the victim...

And he is the only guilty one.

I pushed that thought away, I ain't going to think about them anymore.

"And, who brought this little slut along, she has probably figured out how much assets and cash this family owns right?" He spat, referring to me.

How dare he?

"Just get the fuck out!" Timothy shouted at him.

"It's none of your business because you're not even supposed to be here, you're the only outcast invading this place," he continued.

"He's my dad....I have every right to be here! Every--single--damn--right," he retorted, saying out his words firmly.

Okay....I agree, I was getting so lost right now, how was Zach, in an anyway, related to the Stones?

"You don't! Just get out! I don't wanna see you here!"

"I don't want to leave either and I won't till I'm done with what I came to do," he replied.

"Don't you feel so irritated when you look at yourself in the mirror? How can you still show your face after all that you've done."

Zach just let out a hysterical laughter.

"There's nothing to be ashamed of, she's just the foolish one....to bad someone just had to intervene," he replied.

Timothy clenched his hands tightly, it was clear that he was getting really angry.

"You're just a shameless coward....you irritate me, I just can't stand you!" Timothy shouted again.

"So what do you wanna do....beat me?! Hit me?! Kill me?! What exactly can you do?" Zach said, before bursting into laughter again.

I didn't know what exactly is going on but it wasn't funny one bit.

Shit! This guy is psycho.

Before I knew it, Timothy had already moved towards him and gave him a punch in the tummy before pushing him towards the wall and strangling him with his hands.

"I'll fuckin' kill you!" He said to Zach under his breathe, tightening his grip on him while Zach tried to fight back and push him away from him.

I didn't know what to do, if I'm to stop them or just watch it. Zach isn't one of my favorite persons after everything that happened with Ivy and all but that doesn't mean I wanted him to choke to death.

It felt like a déjà vü as I pictured myself pinning Veronica by her neck on the bathroom wall.

"Stop it! Just stop it!" Timothy's mom shouted, trying to pull Timothy away from Zach.

She separated them and pushed Timothy away, making sure there was quite enough space between them while Zach tried so hard to regain his breath.

"What has come over you! Do you want to kill him?!" His mom shouted.

"Well....he deserves to die!" He shouted back.

"How would you think of killing someone right infront of your own mother...Do you think I want to be the mother of a murderer! Don't you think you've done enough harm already?!"

"But mom...how can you stand this? You know what he did, how can you just allow it?"

"I never said it's right or that it's all allowed but you don't need to start up a fight everywhere with everyone!"

"I can't just take it mom! It's my sister we're talking about here....your own daughter! Don't you understand that!"

"I know....but you don't have always have to act like an animal," she spat and Timothy just stood, frozen on the spot.

The elevator chimed open again and everyone's gaze went towards the person coming in.

It was a tall brunette girl of probably age 16, her hair was packed in a bun and she had a small luggage bag in her hand.

I couldn't deny the striking resemblance she has with Timothy and his mom.

That elevator holds more than it meets the eyes.

The small smile on her face faded immediately her eyes landed on us...

Or maybe Zach.

She walked slowly till she got to us and dropped the bag on one of the benches.

"Mom....I got the bag," she said, immediately she dropped it on the bench we were formerly sitting on.

When she looked at Timothy, she just let out a small smile and a little wave but it didn't seem like he was ready to return the gesture, he just nodded in reply without an atom of smile on his face.

"I think I'll be leaving now," he said, looking towards me which means we were done here.

He started walking towards the exit and I grabbed my bag immediately and followed suit.

We got to the elevator, he set it at the required floor and it started going down after the door closed.

"I'm sorry," I blurted.

"You shouldn't be....nothing is your fault," he replied without even a glance towards me.

I looked at him and I just wished there was anything I could do to make him feel a little better.

"Eeemm..." I started.

"Do you have any plans for the evening?" I asked and he finally looked at me with a bit confused look on his face before signalling a 'no' with his neck movements.

My face lit up.

"Fine! I have a little place...My treat."

How are y'all doing.

I know you must have noticed my chapters are shorter than usual.

I figured out it's the best for now so that y'all won't be bored with extremely long chapters.

It also works better for me too because typing is not all so easy, so with that, it reduces my stress and makes it easier for me to update regularly.

Well, it isn't going to affect the content of the book in any way, it still remains the same.

Thank you again for reading.

I appreciate your support💛


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