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Daniel has left Ashton High.

That was the headline in literally every student's gist in school.

He had been absent since on Monday but it got confirmed around Wednesday evening and this morning it's buzzing round school.

I knew it had to do with Cheryl and literally everything that happened last Friday night.

But I still wonder why he had to just leave like that when we are just a few days away from our final exams.

Next week Monday is the commencement date for the exam and we have barely four days before it.

He would have sucked in whatever he felt and just write the exams atleast.

But then maybe, whatever happened or caused him to leave was more serious that I'm thinking.

On heading to class, I noticed Timothy, Claire and her friends just infront of his locker.

It seemed like whatever they were talking about was very fun.

I stared a little longer than I should subconsciously. I would notice her smile and blush atimes, then they'll all laugh together.

I just had to look away when I noticed her hand touching his hair.

His hair for goodness sake!

I'd felt it once once and it seriously felt like that particular hand escaped to heaven and left me behind.

I don't know what exactly was going on between them but I could tell that they've been really close in the past few days.

I wonder what she wanted from him because Claire is hardly ever committed to a guy. She's always curious about how each of them tastes.

My mind almost pictured the both of them on bed but I stopped it just in time. Atleast for my sanity.

On going to class, I heard someone call out my name.

I turned and noticed Laura..Lorrine...I mean Lorinda,  trying to get to me.

"Oh...hey," I briefly greeted.

"How are you, I was just hoping if we could walk to class together, My friends are kinda busy," she faintly said.

"Lorinda, right?"


"Sorry, your name keeps switching up in my head," I confessed.

"It's fine...I mean even Jace switches up my name all the time," she muttered.

"Jace? Which Jace?" I asked.

There was a Jace in my class but I wanted to be sure if she was talking about him or someone else because I rarely see the both of them talk or anything.

"The Jace in our class," she said and I couldn't help but notice the slight blush in her cheeks.


"You guys rarely talk in school, how do you two get to know each other?'

"He lives next door. He's cute and his family is nice but he's just an asshole. He calls me all sort of names but never gets my name right," she replied.

"And also ignores me in school like we're not even neighbors," she replied.

I could see what was going on there.

"I know right?" I replied as we made our way towards class.


I was in the cafeteria because Roxie literally dragged me out even when I tried to back out, she persisted.

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