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This chapter is dedicated to AngelG1619.
Thanks so so much for your support. I really appreciate it❤


Rielle Johnes

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Rielle Johnes.


Just the sight of him caused different emotions to pass through me.

He betrayed me and he still had the guts to show his face.

"You two should make it quick, don't try to do anything stupid," She said before leaving and shutting the door.

Stupid? I wonder what she meant by that because there was no way anything stupid could happen here...

Unless except me killing him..

He stood up from his sitting position.


"What are you doing here?" I spat.


"Don't ever call my name! Just get out! I don't want to see you...ever!" I shouted at him.

"Stella, would you just listen to me!" He yelled back at me.

I froze and my mouth got shut with immediate effect.

He shouted at me. This wasn't the first time though. I would have seen this coming.

"I didn't mean to--"

"Ofcourse you didn't," I replied sarcastically, my voice thin and fainter than I expected with my gaze, down to the floor.

"Happy birthday," he greeted and  I remained quiet, completely snubbing him.

"You know, you're an adult now, you really shouldn't still be thinking and reacting like a child anymore," he said.

"Oh....now, you're insulting me, huh?" I retorted.

He frustratingly ran his fingers through his hair.

"And she does it again..." He muttered.

"Bye then,' I said turning my back on him, and walking back towards the door I came in from.

I heard faster footsteps towards me until I felt a tight grip on my arm.

He swirls me around till I was facing him, a very threatening distance between us.

He was looking down at me, straight into my eye.

Those blue orbs.

The scene that happened the other night on the beach replayed in my head and I flinched away from him already loose grip.

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