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This chapter is dedicated to for _janicenemerem_ all your support❤



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Ivy had gone to her room earlier, her room is downstairs unlike the rest of us. Zach had also left earlier after their heated conversation.

"Why do all guys have to be a pain in the ass," Kelly said.

The both of us were in the sitting room with the TV switched on infront of us even if we weren't paying attention.

I looked towards her.

"Yeah...Daniel, then Zach. I know what I'm saying...even dad," she continued.

I couldn't help but remember what Ivy had told me about dad, I didn't know what to think of him anymore.

Maybe dad wasn't such a bad person.

"Maybe Ivy needs us right now," I said, already standing from the couch.

"No....she needs space right now," Kelly cut in.

"I'm sure she wouldn't want to talk to anyone," she continued.

I decided to let it pass for now. I just hope she'll get over it soon


It's a Friday.

I'd gotten to school earlier before any of my friends, I have been arriving to school earlier than before.

I'm proud enough to say that Lan and I had gotten closer for the past few days and I'm slowly getting over all that had happened.

Cheryl had been taking it slow lately and I tried my best to avoid her.

I couldn't take any more risk.

He hadn't asked me out yet but something tells me he would very soon.

Maybe this is all gonna have one happy ending for me afterall.

I opened the door of my locker and suprisingly, I found a bouquet of roses in it. I was dazzled before a smile drew on my lips. I picked up a written note that I also found in it and it read;

'To the one that owns my heart.'

I could feel my heart melt. Lan is just so sweet! I think I'm more than crazy for this guy right now.

I quickly brought out the textbook I wanted to take from it and closed it back. Immediately I turned, I saw Amber walking towards me..

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