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"I've heard enough of this trash! Don't touch me again! Ever!" She screamed at me.

I could already feel all the attention the scene was getting but I didn't even care one bit, I had a bigger goal on my mind.

We were already in the hallway, a few metres away from class.

She roughly removed my grip on her, and pushed me backwards before storming her way towards the bathroom

Well..that's what I think...

A small smile drew on my face, at least that would keep her busy for a while.

I ignored the spectating crowd and walked as fast as I could towards the class but that didn't stop me from catching a glimpse of a familiar someone with a red swollen face.

Someone needed to tell Lan how extremely good looking he was right now. But as much as I wanted to enjoy the view, I needed to head to class as fast as possible.

I entered the class but I still found Timothy using Cheryl's phone with his own on the other hand.

What the fuck was he still doing? He only needed to pick up the damn phone and delete that stupid video. That's all!

I walked as fast as I could towards him.

"What are you doing? Have you deleted it yet? Anyone can come in anytime and catch us," I said, trying to drag it out of his hands.

"I'm coming...I'm checking something out....it's really important," he said, stretching the hand holding the phone above, keeping it far from my reach.

"No! I need to delete that video now!" I screamed desperately.

I hopped so I could drag the phone from him, clicked on the video immediately and straight to the delete icon.

'1 item deleted' Showed on the screen and I felt more than relieved.

To the phone, it might be just an item but to me, it was way more than that.

I started hearing fast and loud footsteps towards the class. I dropped the phone back immediately on the table where it was and at that moment Cheryl walked in.

It seemed like she didn't go all the way to the bathroom anymore.

Maybe she had second thoughts.

She looked from me, to the phone, and then to Timothy, then to me and back to the phone.

She said nothing but a small snirk drew on her face before she picked up the phone, put it straight into her bag, carried the bag and sashayed out of the class.

With the stained jeans if I may add...

I really wanted to know what was on her mind at that point, I looked towards Timothy but he just looked away from me.

I didn't know what was going on with the two of them and why they're both behaving weird and in a very unexpected way.

But there was still this joy in my heart...

That the video has been deleted and that chapter of my life has been closed.


I got home and climbed lazily up the staircase to my room.

Kelly had driven me home from school in my own car.

It was really weird having my younger sister drive me home but it was my mom's order that I don't get the keys or have the wheel so that I won't drive anyhow to anywhere again.

On my way upstairs, I started hearing music blasting from downstairs, it was very loud and I would have regarded it as noise but it brought a smile on my face. It meant that Ivy was getting over her problems and she was slowly turning back to the way she used to be.

I felt so happy for her.

I got into my room, removed my clothes and had a long cold shower, I felt all my issues lifting up my shoulders little by little.

When I was done, I changed into something more comfortable before grabbing my phone and heading downstairs to get something to eat.

It had been long I'd had proper food and I was already getting so lean from all the tears and all.

There wasn't food ready at the moment so I decided to prepare stewed pasta.

I placed the pasta in already boiling water before going back to have my seat on the dining table where I had dropped my phone earlier.

I switched it on and noticed that I had an unread message from Timothy.

I opened it immediately and it contained only two words in it;

'I'm sorry'

Sorry? For what exactly?

Maybe because of his attitude towards me earlier in school but I didn't even take it so much a big deal and he didn't need to apologize for every single thing.

About thirty minutes later, I was almost done with my delicacy and I was just giving it some final touches when I heard the doorbell ring.

I wondered who it was because that doorbell was rarely rung.

I wanted to go check who was at the door but at the same time, it was crucial to leave the food unattended to at this point given that it was for the whole family.

I heard Ivy's room door open and close and I heard her footsteps moving towards the door.

"Who's it?" She asked.

"It's Mr. Raymond, principal of Ashton High," I heard from the other side and my ears stood in shock.

I heard the door open, she probably recognises his voice, given she was once a student in the school.

I peeped out of the kitchen door and it was real.

Mr. Raymond was really standing at the doorstep of my house.

But he wasn't alone...

He was accompanied by three other guys on blue uniform.

I couldn't understand what was going on....What is happening!

"Is Mrs. Downer around? I believe she's your mom," I heard him say.

"Yeah...she's my mom but she's not around right now," Ivy replied.

"But I believe Miss. Downer should be...do you mind calling her out. These gentlemen and I would love to have a word with her concerning something very important," he said, surprisingly still calmly.

Important? Is it about the sex scandal with Lan?

Why the fuck does he have to bring those three extra men along?

"Well...she--" Ivy was interrupted when my mom barged in, she looked rushed and scattered.

"Oh...you're here already," she said, panting like someone that had just run a marathon.

'Yes ma'm--"

"See...I seriously didn't get whatever you guys were talking about over the phone about my daughter...what is it?"

"Mrs. Downer...your daughter, Ms. Stella Downer is a major suspect in the murder of a fellow schoolmate and classmate...Miss. Veronica Dallas."

My body grew numb...

No! It's not possible! I'm not just hearing right! It must be an imagination or an hallucination or something...

Or maybe it's just a stupid dream!

C'mom...Stella...Wake up! Cowry...get up from this damn nightmare!

"What are you saying! I know my daughter! She could do stupid things but she wouldn't kill someone! She can't be a murderer! I even knew Veronica...Nika! She was a friend to my daughter!" My mom argued loudly.

"We don't have anything to do with that Mrs. All we're saying is that your daughter, Ms. Stella Downer is a major suspect of a murder case and we have enough proof....a video..."


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