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This chapter is dedicated to vinfi1_3 for all your support❤
It really means a lot to me.

You can check out her ongoing book on her profile titled 'BEAUTY OF LIFE'. It's worth reading💕


Yes I lied.

I was totally free on Friday night but maybe I'm just gonna ditch the party.

"Why aren't you going?" Tianna asked for like the hundredth time.

School was already over for the day and we were in the hallway standing right infront of my locker.

"I said I'm busy on Friday night, I already have plans!" I finally replied, sick of all the questions.

"But earlier, you said you were going," Amber argued.

"I forgot I had other plans."

"So which other 'plan' do you have?" Tianna asked again.

"I'm not going! Just understand and stop pestering me! It's none of your business if I'm going or not! Or if I have other plans or not! Fuck off!" I screamed at the both of them.

They were suprised at my sudden outburst but they should learn to stop poking into every part of my life.

"You know what......just leave," I said, a bit calmer this time.

They exchanged glances between each other and me before walking away.

Yes! Finally! Breathing space!

"Hey, Stella" someone called out.

Can't I just have some personal time!

I looked to my side to see Veronica walking towards me.

She had ripped jeans on with a black vest and leather jacket with her short black hair which had blue and red stripes.

She was one crazy girl and I heard that her brothers were the ones hosting the party.

She chewed her gum loudly, made a big bubble and made it pop when she got to me.

"Nika! Long time!" I greeted, we used to be close friends when we were in middle school but though we're not as close as before, we still do talk.

"That's right," she said with a huge smile on her face.

"Sooo....you've heard about the party right?" She asked.

"Yeah....yeah I have," I replied, feigning a smile.

"You coming? I'll love you to be there."

"Well...I don't think so," I replied trying not to make it sound so bad.

"I'll actually love to go but I already made plans earlier," I tried to explain.

"No worries, suit yourself," She said, that smile not diminishing from her face.

I guess she's not angry.

"Okay then, thanks for understanding," I said and we exchanged waves of 'goodbyes' before she left.

"You're not going to the party?!" I heard a farmiliar voice panick from beside me.

"Why?!" Kelly screamed.

"Shut up!" I spat trying to walk towards the school exit.

"You know Ivy won't let me go if you're not going!" She walked fast trying to keep up with my pace.

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