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Ivy Downer

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Ivy Downer


My pulse increased...

The class was ventilated yet I was suffocating...

The class was cool yet I felt hot...

Really hot.

Cheryl still had that sly smile on her face...

She knows what she's doing!

I was supposed to act up like the typical one 'Stella' everyone knows but I just couldn't.

She has the video! Everyone was going to know!

The scene got the attention of all my classmates, each one of them waiting for what will happen next....

Waiting for what Stella would do!

But little do they know that 'Stella' was as good as helpless right now. I'm sure they're wondering why I'm taking so long.

"Aaaawww!" I winced in fake pain clutching unto ny tummy like it was hurting.

"Excuse me," I said, trying to limp out of class in order to assure everyone that I was truly in pain.

Trying to run away from my greatest fear....

The fear of not being feared by others.


I went to the school garden located at the back of the school. It was just a small piece of land that contains a shrubs and flowers, it also contained a few benches.

I was glad no one was there at the moment, I needed somewhere quiet so that at least I can hear my own painful thoughts.

And again...the bathroom was never an option.

I just stared into space, trying so hard not to let a tear drop. I was just glad none of my friends decided to follow me, I wouldn't want to have an emotional breakdown infront of someone else.

I stayed in the same spot for almost twenty minutes.

"She was the one that sent the video right?" I popped my head towards the direction of the voice. I was startled by the sudden appearance.

Leaning on the wall was Timothy, he was clad in his usual shirt and jeans with his blue orbs standing out perfectly.

It seemed like the sun rays shone differently, hitting against his pale skin making it glow with his deep blonde hair a bit scattered like he had ran his fingers over it a hundred times and to be honest, I won't mind making it a hundred and one.

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