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This chapter is dedicated to Diana_Simpson.
Thank you soo muuch💜


"I know you must be really hungry, I have a few snacks here, you can have them, I know how much you love pies," I heard his mom say, though I didn't bother looking towards them.

I just felt so irritated with their behavior.

For about five minutes, I sat down there alone feeling so uncomfortable and trying to ignore the mother-son reunion going on beside me.

When would we be able to see his dad because I'm already sick of all these....and hungry too.

Timothy came back afterwards, holding a carton bag in his right hand.

He looked calmer though but his hair was rougher than normal like he ran his fingers an extra hundred times when he left.

He looked at his mom and brother for like a second before diverting his gaze to me.

I smiled at him and to my surprise, he returned the gesture with a small smile, putting his dimples on full display.

He sat down beside me and handed over the bag to me.

"I felt that you might be hungry,' was all he said. I opened the bag and noticed that it contained a few sachets of chips and a bottle of fruit punch.

"You didn't have to," I found myself saying even if I was damn hungry. I hadn't eaten anything today except for the bar of chocolate I ate on the bus.

"I know you're really hungry, I know you probably haven't eaten anything today except for that bar of chocolate you ate on the bus earlier," he said and it just reminded me of how much he could read me.

He could tell my every move...

"Yeah....okay," I surrendered.

"But you should eat something too."

"No....I'm not hungry," he replied.

I said nothing more neither did I oppose to his decision, I dived into my little meal, taking a slurp of the drink before devouring the chips one after the other.

Today has been a long day already for me even if it started at quite a late hour.

"And you said you weren't hungry..." He said, snapping me out of trance.

I looked at him and noticed the small smirk on his lips....and also noticed how roughly I'd been eating.

My cheek reddened out of embarrassment and I couldn't help but chuckle.

He got me.

No matter how much I tried to think about it, it doesn't clear the fact that what happened today was all my fault.

They might not have been on good terms on a normal bases, but if I hadn't have come, they probably wouldn't have had an argument.

Why do I always have to bring badluck.

"So when would we be able to see him?" I blurted, realising how much time we'd already spent without any progress.

"My mom called, we can't go in yet without the doctor's approval but he's not available at the moment, he's in an emergency situation so we may have to wait a little longer, but if you want to, we can leave now," he suggested.

"No, I'm good, I'll wait," I replied.

About fifteen minutes later, a middle-aged man in corporate dressing, white lab coat and a stethoscope round his neck, busted out of the elevator like he was in a hurry.

"I'm really sorry, I didn't mean to keep y'all waiting," he apologized when he was about a reasonable distance away from where we were seated.

They all stood up when he came by and I followed suit.

I assume he is the doctor we've been waiting for.

"You kept us waiting for almost two hours!" Tristan shouted at him with so much authority in his tone which I never knew was there before.

The doctor took a step back from him.

"And I'm really sorry for that, I'm not the type that keeps my client waiting but something very important popped up....I'm very sorry for that," he apologized again.

"We can go in now right?" Timothy asked.

"No...not yet, just give me a few seconds to check on him, I'll be back very soon with the feedbacks," the doctor said before excusing himself and walking into the door almost in front of us, opposite the hallway.

We sat down back and waited....again.

A few minutes later, the doctor came out again but this time, with a female nurse which I assume has been in there all the while, watching over him.

We all stood up when he was out....again.

"Good thing he's awake...but the only issue is that, only one of you can enter at a time, we don't want him to be overcrowded neither do we want any unnecessary complications because he's still at a crucial stage of recovery," the doctor said and there were murmurings arising.

"I would have wanted to send in his wife first but he said he really wanted to see Tristan....who amongst you is Tristan?" The doctor asked.

"I am," Tristan replied.

Timothy looked away and went back to have his seat.

"Just put this on," the nurse said, holding a surgical wear, hair cover and nose mask.

"Or...you can help me do just that", he said, flashing one of those his flirty smiles.

She's a nurse for goodness sake and probably already has a boyfriend two times his age!

"Yeah sure," she replied back with an accompanying smile.

I looked away and tried to mute them from me.

No matter how much I tried not to focus on them, I still heard a few laugh and giggles coming from them before he finally entered the ward.

Nobody said a word after that, every one just sat down quietly like it wasn't a pair of family members we're talking about here.

The hall was almost dead quiet once again till I heard the elevator door open and close.

Many random people had been going in and out so I wasn't interested anyways.

Till I heard a very familiar voice.

"Hope I'm not to late for this little family reunion," the person announced.

I turned to see the person that just spoke.


What the fuck is he doing here?!


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