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This chapter is dedicated to teemasco.
Thaaank you for checking out my book and for all your votes. It means a whole lot to me💙

Warning: This chapter is unedited and kind of written in a rush😶. I sincerely apologize for any mistakes that might be encountered😟


Everything looked different. Felt different. Even smelt different.

My dad held my bag in one hand and clutched my hands tightly in the other as we stepped outside.

It's not like I haven't been seeing the sky all these while, we had like a little playing field within our cell area which we're mostly allowed on during weekends and on breaks.

But this was different. It felt like I had nothing holding me back.

Freedom is one of the best feelings in the world, especially when you've been deprived of it once.

"You okay?" My dad asked as he squeezed my hand tighter in his and I looked up at him and replied him with a smile.

It was comforting and I'm so glad he's here.

I couldn't imagine what Timothy could be going through now. Or his family as a whole...his mom. His younger sister.

He led me to an unfamiliar vehicle in the parking lot which I eventually recognized as his car, it's not like I expect him to be driving the same car since six years ago.

He opened the passenger door for me and I got in before he went over to the back to drop my bag then to the other side. Getting into the driver seat beside me, he ignited the engine before looking towards me.

"Hungry? We could go get an early lunch somewhere," he suggested, face laced with concern as he patiently waits for my reply.

"No...I'm fine," I replied.

I did'nt have the appetite, I didn't want to go anywhere else, I just wanted to go...home.


"Sure," I replied.


My dad parked in the driveway of our house.

I was really tired and a bit hungry from the journey. It's kind of a long journey from the JDC to my house, we were on the road for a good two and a half hours.

We got out while my dad helped me with my bag before we made our way towards the house.

My house looked different, it isn't like anything really changed but it had been long, I remember the last day I had spent here.

That was the day the principal visited...

The day I had wanted to end my life.

"Aren't you coming in?" He asked and I realized that I'd been standing on a spot for quite a while.


I walked into the opened door, the house was dead quiet, my dad even had to unlock the door with his spare key meaning that the house was empty.

It's not like I was expecting a welcome home party on the day I was finally coming home.

Okay, maybe I was a little bit.

Ofcourse everything doesn't go exactly as planned sometimes in life.

"Hungry?" He asked and I nodded in reply.

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