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I gulped down a lump of saliva down my throat.

I just hope it wasn't what I was thinking....Have they finally found out I was the killer?!

"Ok...okay sir," I replied before walking slowly behind him, towards the office.

A few minutes later, we were already seated, on the chairs, a table apart from each other.

He picked up his phone, dialled something on it, before placing it on his ear.

"Send him in," he said into his phone before disconnecting the call and looking back at me.

I was feeling very nervous right now, fondling with my hands and playing with my fingers.

"You didn't have to bring so much shame to yourself, the school and your family," he started.

No reply.

"You weren't in school yesterday."

"Yes sir...I wasn't feeling too well," I lied.

It wasn't fully a lie though because I'm not feeling great either.

I couldn't help but ponder on what he was talking about.

"I hope you're aware that you have a case of sexual immoral behavior with the school."

So it's about the sex scandal, it has gotten to the school authorities too?!

This wasn't the first time it was happening in my school so why does mine have to be so different?


I felt relieved it wasn't about the Veronica stuff though yet I was completely embarrassed.

"We believe you have a valid explanation for that," he continued.

"Well...I...is...." I stammered before taking a deep breathe and finally looking down.

"No sir...."

"You're trying to--" the principal was interrupted by the opening sound of the door.

I looked back, towards the direction of the door and saw Mr. Lawrence, one of the highly placed staffs of our school.

But he wasn't alone...

He was with Landor, standing tall behind him.

"He's here sir," Mr. Lawrence said before leaving the doorway and pushing him in.

Lan glared back at him before he quickly closed the door. He looked at me, then at the principal.

"You called for me," he said.

"Yeah...Landor Jackson have a seat," the principal said sternly, making Lan to aggressively drag the chair beside me out and seat on it.

I couldn't even look straight at him, this was the first time seeing him after that day...

That day that can never be erased from my memory.

I felt so ashamed to even sit right beside him, I'm sure he sees me now as a cheap girl anyone could use and dump easily.

Fuck! What was I even thinking! I regret that day to hell and I just feel like hitting my dumb head hard against the wall right now.

"I'm sure you know why you'd been called," the principal said with so much authority in his voice towards Lan.

"I don't know...and whatever you have to say...it's better you make it quick," he blandly replied.

"I believe you ain't talking to me like that?" The principal retorted, and Lan remained quiet, hitting his palm continuously and impatiently on the table.

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