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This chapter is dedicated to Kosidarl.
Thanks for checking out my book❤


My eyes snapped open and I jerked up from my lying position immediately.

I was expecting to see the sky above me but there was a roof over my head.

Infact, I was in a room and a familiar one at that even if I hadn't been here in a while.

My mom's room.

Tired of my lying position and sat down on the bed already planning my escape but I was already late for that.

I heard the bathroom door open and closed  I tilted my head to see my mom coming out, a bit wet, covered in a white bathrobe and a blue bonnet on her head.

Her gaze landed on me and a small frown formed on her face when she noticed that I was awake.

"Where should I start from? Just tell me where? Stella.....where?" She suddenly asked.

I remained silent.

"What were you thinking?....You slept outside...on the ground of a public beach for goodness sake!" She almost screamed at me.

"Well...I thought it was for the best...." I replied.

'What's wrong with you? We were so worried, not until a guy had to call us and tell us where you probably were," she said.

A guy?

Only one person knew where I was.

"Were you planning on running away from home? You're already foolish and stupid enough and now, you also want to be homeless too, right?" My mom spat at me and I couldn't do anything rather than looking down at my legs.

"Where were you planning on going to? What exactly do you think you can do for yourself the way you are at the moment? Tell me! Or were you planning on sleeping around?"

"Mom just stop!" I shouted, tears already brimming up in my eyes.

"Stop what? Saying the truth?" She retorted.

"You're just hurting me the more and you have no idea what I'm going through right now!"

"The truth will always remain the truth no matter how bitter it is," she replied.

I stood up from the bed and started making my way towards the door.

"And where do you think you're going to?" She asked in a commanding tone stopping me dead on my tracks.

"I dunno....just anywhere far away enough from you," I replied and continued walking towards my exit.

"Don't you dare walk past that door," she suddenly said in a surprisingly calm but dangerous tone.

I stopped, couldn't even get myself to move further.

"You might have been able to escape yesterday but not today....not anymore."

"What are you talking about?"

"Go to your room, freshen up and dress up....you're leaving for school today and I'll personally drive you there.


I felt my face get flushed of all colors at the mention of that word.

"Mom! No!"

"Stella! Yes! You are! Do you really think I'm not capable of controlling you anymore? Oh....because you're seventeen and would be turning eighteen in a few weeks huh? You're feeling so big and foolishly mature, I remain your mother and for the fact that you still bear my last name, you still have to do as I say!" She shouted at me.

"Mom....please," I pleaded.

"I just can't face everyone in school, I promise to explain to you later on...please.....just understand."

"You have to....I didn't give birth to a weak child, you're a strong person even if you appear to be stupid sometimes, I understand that it's very shameful but sitting down at home with a bag of chips won't help you either, I need you to go face that fear and overcome it," she said, looking right at me.

I stood at a spot with so many things on my mind.

"So....walk through that door....straight to your room, freshen up and I'll be waiting downstairs," she said softly, finally looking at me with a calmer expression than she had on earlier.

"Okay mom...."


I find it hard to even take a step.

How will I face everyone?

The last time I tried it, everything just got worse.

I was standing at the gate of my school, dressed in a pair of sweats and a green hoodie. My mom dropped me off earlier before zooming off to work.

After, ofcourse, continuously ranting about my choice of clothes. It wasn't even like I had the hoodie on.

I was already late, It was around nine in the morning meaning that school started off like an hour ago so the surrounding of the premises was empty and quiet.

I took a deep breath and walked in, I could feel all the security officers stare at me but I didn't even give them a glance.

My mom had told me to face my fear and fix my mess, that is exactly what I was going to do.

It also requires ignoring some people.

I got into the hallway and tried to find my way towards my class before I started hearing footsteps echoing from behind.

I didn't bother turning back or figuring out who it was, I just increased my pace.

"Miss Downer!" A familiar voice of our principal echoed through the hallway.

I stopped and turned around to see Mr. Raymond, the principal standing upright in a set of perfectly tailored blue suit with his hands tucked in his pocket.

"Sir...." I faintly replied.

"Do you mind coming to my office....I need to have a word with you."


Probably the shortest chapter so far 😩

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