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Kelly Downer

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Kelly Downer.


My eyes slittered open and I found myself in an unfamiliar dim lighted room.

I felt a bit tingly and sore inbetween my legs and the memory of the event that happened came rushing into my head and I felt so flushed.

I looked beside me and around the room but I couldn't find him.

Where the fuck is he?

I thought of calling him but I let it go. What if he was trying to give me a surprise meal in bed.

I waited for a few minutes but he hadn't come around yet.

Now I started getting worried. I decided to call him again but I remembered that I had left my bag all the way in school and my phone was in it.

Oh crap.

I stood up immediately from the bed and picked up my clothes from the floor before throwing them on. They were already dirty but I had no other alternative.

I noticed a folded paper on the side table. I picked it up and unfolded it, it contained a few words;

'You were good earlier.'

I didn't know to take it but it was specifically written in Lan's handwriting. Was it a compliment or a form of insult?

I was cut short of thoughts by a loud knock on the door.

I opened it immediately and it revealed a middle aged man with a lot of beards. He checked me out from head to toe before speaking;

"Your time is up, Get out!" He commanded.

I was shocked.

"Don't you understand. Out!" He said again, louder this time and I hurried out of the room.

I felt so damn embarrassed. Lan should better have a suitable explanation for all these.

I found my way out of the place. It was night already and the bar was already filled up.

I looked twice the mess I was when I came. I couldn't find Lan nor his car anywhere and I had no money on me so I had no other choice than to walk home.

I frowned at the thought of it as I started my journey home and I just silently prayed that everything happening is not as it seems and Lan has a suitable reason for leaving.


I felt relieved when I got to the front porch of my house but I was surprised to see my car parked perfectly in the driveway.

I fumbled on the door knob of the house, it wasn't like I couldn't open it, but I was bracing myself to face whatever was going to happen.

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