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This chapter is dedicated to QUEENSLEAZE. Your votes and comments makes my day💙💙


I walked into the class containing just a few classmtes, I was a bit relieved that I didn't bump into Cheryl, Amber, Tianna or Daniel.

Lan is more than enough for one day. That guy is freaking crazy.

I could still hear the noise coming from the hallway and I silently prayed that Timothy was okay.

Lan isn't a normal person, he had hurt Timothy before and I hope he wouldn't again, especially because of me.

The memory of what happened with him last night made my face flush out of embarrassment.

I thought he wouldn't want to see my face again or have anything to do with me anymore, he'd probably seen me as a ho that just jumps onto any guy that comes her path no matter the situation, but he is the same one fighting for me when I have absolutely no one by my side.

I was still trying to find a suitable explanation for the stunt I pulled last night, what exactly made me kiss him?

He is just a friend....nothing more and I believe there's no extra feelings attatched.

I believe...

I just can't fall a victim three times in a row because of my stupid uncontrollable feelings.

I heard murmurings in the classroom and noticed a few people throwing daggers at me at me but I chose to ignore it as usual.

I sat on my seat and after about two minutes, the bell rang again, indicating the beginning of the next lesson period.

The noise in the hallway died down slowly as people started barging into the class for the next lesson.

Anyone that comes in and passes by looks at me for a while before finally looking away and it made me not wanting to look up from my table again.

I just stared down at my table like it had suddenly become a priceless artifact.

A few people came towards me and stood just beside the seat I was on. I looked up and noticed Tianna, Amber and Cheryl.

Great, they're here....

Note the sarcasm.

"Stand up," Tianna commanded.


"Because that's my seat," Cheryl said, dropping her bag straight on the table in front of me.

"So leave..." She continued, still glaring at me.

It hurts...

Trust me, it really does.

For the fact all these unbearable things are happening to me.

And it's worse for the fact I can't do any damn thing about it.

I took a deep breathe, grabbed my bag and stood up. I knew that I didn't have any other choice and I didn't want to cause any kind of scene.

Or start a fight I know I will lose.

I watched as Cheryl sat on my seat with Amber and Tianna beside her.

I had this lump in my throat as I stared at the trio but I should have seen this coming though, all I can do right now is to endure it.

I didn't even care if anyone or everyone was watching or what they were probably thinking of me, I walked away and found myself an empty seat at the back.

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