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This chapter is dedicated to hannahsuarez949.
Thank you for checking out my book❤


I looked away immediately, I don't know why I suddenly felt nervous to even look at him.

From a distance of about thirty feet if I may add.

I adjusted my clothes and bag a bit before looking back to that direction.

I wish I never did.

Yeah. He was talking to a random girl I don't even know.

Yeah. She was smiling. Laughing.

Hmm...I never pinned Timothy as a funny type.

'Stop acting like you suddenly know everything about him shawty,'

Even my subconscious is starting to sound like Roxie. That girl is bad influence.

But it's right though, maybe he is...

Why do I even care?

Maybe because I thought I was the only girl he kind of has a close friendship relationship with...Or maybe I was thinking that when I walk in, he was going to be expecting me and really happy that I'm finally out and maybe try to start a conversation with me.

'High hopes girl...high hopes. You're not that important anymore. Things. Change.'

Yeah. Yeah. I'm just being a bitch now, he's owing me nothing. Absolutely nothing. I'm like the one indebted to him right now.

I just hope he feels as good as he looked right now.

I decided to make my way to class.

'He might actually notice you and try to run after you to talk'

No. He didn't because I was already seated on the chair at the very end of class waiting for the bell to be rung.


"You know I'll want to sit beside you," Roxie said to me at the end of the lesson.

The deserted back row suddenly became filled up with students.


Well, because Roxie has decided to sit beside me at the back row.

I tried to listen.

One part of me trying to understand what the teacher was saying.

The other trying to resist Roxie constant distractions.

Another looking towards Cheryl and my ex friends from behind.

Another, trying to resist looking towards the venomous bestfriends that ruined my life in the first place.

While the other stealing a glimpse of the blonde guy that was seated at the front row as always.

Look away. Look away.

"Are you even listening to me?" I suddenly heard Roxie ask.


I wasn't listening.

The teacher packed her things and left the class. The class became noisier and rowdy while some decided to leave the class as well.

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