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This chapter is dedicated to TemilopeOsho. Thank you so so much for your support and votes💙💙


Olive Stones (Timothy's younger sister)

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Olive Stones (Timothy's younger sister).


What is my dad doing here?

Okay...I know he's my dad and all but I just didn't expect him to come here!

Kelly was the first one to make a solid move by hugging him. He reciprocated the action immediately and they were now enclosed in each others arms. Kelly's small body against my dad's bigger one.

It looked....cute.

And there was this sudden feeling of wanting to be right there.

It was a bit suprising when he shot a wide genuine smile towards Ivy and she replied with a large grin.

What did I miss here?

It was only my mom now that had a potato face on.

Don't mind my language but her face still looked firm and stoic. A contrast to the rest.

I remained frozen on the spot where I stood holding the bag containing a few of my stuffs, leftover food and drinks.

I didn't want to go back to my 'extremely small, cold but stuffy' cell yet because I doubt my visit period was over yet.

Though I couldn't hear, but from the look of it, my mom and my dad were having a serious but kind of quiet type of conversation over there involving a lot of hand signals and head nodding.

After about three minutes, my mom and sis moved aside for my dad to walk in.

"You'll be fine dear!" My mom said to me before finally making her leave.

"Remember to take it easy okay?" Ivy adviced while Kelly had a very expectant, cute puppy eyes on.

After that, they left also leaving me standing a few feets away from the man that happens to be my dad.

He walked closer with slow strides till he was about a reasonable distance away from me.

"Stella...." He started and it caused me to shift my attention to his face.

"Please....can we talk?"

I remember the last time he asked that question and I also remember how much of a disaster it ended.

And also all I'd heard after that...

I dropped the bag I was holding and quickly took fast steps towards him before encircling my hands round his torso, my head resting upon his chest.

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