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This chapter is dedicated to MyDadIsYourMom.
Thanks so much for giving my book a chance😘


I felt like a fool right now, moving my gaze from one end to the other....

The other end to the other.

I just felt so weird seeing different versions of one person.

Okay! Timothy never told me he had a twin!

What I'm I saying, he doesn't even tell me any damn thing about himself.

I don't really know our relationship with each other, but he said it himself...

Friends right?

He was also dressed casual in a pair of blue jeans, blue jean jacket and a light red designer top within, a pair of small black boots and deep blonde hair--just like Timothy's--straightened and jelled to utmost perfection.

He stopped midway for a while, it felt like the both of them exchanged glares for sometime, it wasn't meant to be noticeable though.

Something tells me these two aren't on good terms.

I stood up to acknowledge the presence of the new 'somebody', Timothy ran his fingers through his hair and looked away.

I looked back at the guy that just walked in and noticed that he was no longer looking at Timothy....

He was looking at me!

I started feeling uneasy.

Not only did he intensely stare at me, he also had that lustful glint in his eye.

Why the hell is he looking at me like that?!

He continued his journey foward with confident strides but this time, his eyes were fixed on me.

It was somewhat clear that he was coming towards me.

I decided to just stay put and wait for him to get to me. I didn't want the fact that he was a gorgeous eye candy get to me but I didn't want to look like a weak girl on our first encounter.

....Even if I was....

Before I knew it, he was already infront of me, flashing me a heart warming signature smile.

Too bad, he didn't have those dimples I could die for.

"I'm Tristan, you?" He asked, stretching his hands out for a handshake.

I stared at the hands in mild confusion.

It was just a simple handshake right? Just a mere introduction.

"Stella...I'm Stella," I replied, returning the gesture and placing my smaller hands in his.

'Normal time meant for a mere handshake' period passed and he still caged my hands in his, stroking it lightly with his thumb with a small grin on his face.

"Wow....you sound just as good as you look," he complimented and I just nodded in reply.

He removed his hands from mine finally and just when I was about to let out a sigh of relief, I felt him coming closer to me.

A few seconds later, I felt his hands on my waist as he leaned closer.

"I was looking for the stars last night but I can find them all in your eyes," he whispered in my right ear, his warm breathe hitting against the nape of my neck.

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