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This chapter is dedicated to wattxtra16. Thank you so much for checking my book out and for all your votes💛


I just couldn't believe my ears!

Which video!

I deleted that video myself!

I started panicking, I just couldn't take it....I killed Veronica and everyone knows.

My head was going towards a direction that I never expected.

Does Timothy have something to do with this!

I trusted him! He promised me!

"Please call out your daughter ma'm," I heard one of the men in the sitting room say and I started shaking. I can't go out there...I can't face the consequences of my actions!

"Stella!" I heard my mom call out but there was no way I'm going out there.

I look towards the back door of the house located in the kitchen, it was an easy route of escape.

It was just perfect...

I ditched the food that was already almost getting burnt and ran out the door.

I ran as fast as I could...

With all my might....

I could feel the adrenaline pumping into my bloodstream...

It felt like I had no direction but my legs have a mind of their own and they were taking me to a particular place.

"Stella! Stop!" I heard a familiar voice call but I didn't even spare a glance back.

My eyes was blurry with tears but that even make me stop for a second.

And infact, I didn't stop till I got to the front of a familiar house.

I banged the door hard.

"Open this door! Just open it!" I screamed from outside, banging the door continuously.

I kept on hitting the door with so much brutality until it opened, revealing a face that I suddenly despise so much.

"How dare you!" I yelled at him, hitting him hard on his chest.

"I fuckin' trusted you! You promised you'll help me! Why do you have to do this!" I shouted at him but he just remained quiet, looking everywhere else but me.

"Just say something! Look at me! And tell me you have absolutely nothing to do with it! I know you know what I'm talking about!" I shouted at him.

"I'm sorry--" I slapped him hard with all the pain and anger I felt inside.

"Why did you this?!" I shouted.


"What the fuck made you do this to me?!"

"Just listen...I--"

"What stupid excuse do you have to break your promise?!" I asked.

"Now they've come for me. You're happy right! That's exactly what you wanted! I said with a new set of tears rolling down.

"Well...I deserve it though...I'm heartless...I killed my own friend because of a guy that never even liked me....A guy that used me for a bet...I'm just a dumb, freaking murderer," I said, stepping backwards, turning around and walking out.

"Please Wait! Listen! Stella!" I heard him call out, seems like he doesn't know how much I hated him.

"Don't ever call my name or ever think of following me! Get! The! Fuck! Out! Of! My! Stupid! Life! You just made it worse!" I yelled at him even without looking at his face.

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