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This chapter is dedicated to MeghanaRella. You can also check out her book too if you want to❤

Unedited chapter.


I stayed still as I watch them walk steadily but quietly towards me. I don't know why but I didn't want to show how weak I am in front of them and a part of me was interested to hear whatever they wanted to say.

When they were a few feets away from me, I tilted my head, waiting for them to spit out their own intentions.

One. Two. Three seconds passed and neither of them said a word so I decided to walk pass them only for me to be interrupted by Amber's voice.

"Hey....you're finally out," she started causing me to look back at them.


"Just wanted to know how you were doing?" Tianna continued.

"I'm doing just fine as you can see."

"Oh...yeah, we can definitely see that, after all the crap you've done--"

"See, what I have and haven't done is none of your business," I roughly interrupted.

"See...I know we've done wrong things and you probably won't want to forgive us," Tianna started.

"Maybe we could be friends again...but we just noticed you've already gotten a new one, so...I doubt we have a chance, but at least we could give it a shot" Amber continued.

"Am I hearing right? I think something is wrong with the air, it's kind of passing on the wrong information," I said.

"Stop being sarcastic," Tianna spat.

"Aren't you guys so smart, do you think I won't notice that you're trying to use me just to get to Roxie? Oh, you're looking for someone that will make you something big, right. You guys are still pathetic social climbers till now and I seriously thought five months was going to be enough to set your senses straight," I replied.

"Oh...Stella, don't say that. We just want us to be friends again, besides we've got some information you could use against Cheryl. Then with us and Roxie by your side, you'll be able to get back to your feet," Tianna suggested.

"So Roxie is some kind of body guard or weapon right? If you have something against Cheryl then use it for yourselves. I don't give a damn..."

"Oh...I bet you would when Cheryl continue with you, five months isn't enough to wipe off your stupidity and weakness, and maybe when that happens you'll remember this day and you'll come back running," she continued.

"Just like you two did, right?"

"Okay, Stella, please stop this, I'm fed up with all these. I need you...we need you, even if Tianna doesn't want to admit it. I'm tired with all these. Cheryl is devil herself and we can't keep up with her anymore," Amber complained.

"Too bad, I have absolutely nothing to do about that but I hope you aren't on any errand for Cheryl because she might be very furious that you're wasting her time right now," I said.

"I expected this though, you would never forgive us," Amber said.

"So we just wasted our time hear I guess," Tianna continued but even before I could reply, I noticed Cheryl coming from a distance.

An unconscious part of me is still frightened by her while the logical part is always trying to explain that she doesn't have anything against me anymore, she can't use me anymore, she can't blackmail me anymore neither does she have control over me.

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