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This chapter is dedicated to zeemo2005.
She has been such a good friend and source of motivation❤❤

This chapter is kinda unedited😶


I almost can't believe our exams were already long gone.

Like 'a week ago' gone.

Well, prom was already knocking.

Our prom was scheduled two weeks after our exams so we've got a week before it.

"So like Timothy seriously asked Claire to be his date for the prom?" Roxie shrieked.

"It's more like Claire asked him," Maddie clarified.

"It doesn't matter, he agreed. I thought the both of you had a thing," Roxie said referring to me.

We were at a mall shopping for anything though but prom dresses in particular.

By 'we', I mean, Roxie, Maddie, Lorinda and I.

"Just cut it out, it's fine. It's not like I care anyways," I smoothly lied because it actually does affect me.

It's not like I expected him to come on a white horse and a golden chariot to ask me to be his date for the prom.

But well...

"It doesn't matter, atleast Stella has a date too," Lorinda said.

"I know that but I bet Stella just said yes to Cody because Timothy broke her heart," Roxie argued back.

"Will you shut the fuck up. Timothy and I are friends. Just friends. Don't push it too far miss," I replied.

Cody used to be my seat partner in freshman year. We were quite close and talked often before we just started drifting apart till we got to the point that we don't even greet each other anymore when we crossed paths.

It felt like we grew into different parts of the world, but then I was surprised when he started a conversation with me and casually asked me to be his date.

Who else would have been a better person to go with, atleast it could be a way to fill in for lost time.

"Can you guys just shut up and focus on what we came to do, we're running out of time," Maddie complained.

"Yeah...prom dresses keeps reducing with every second we waste," Lorinda agreed.

"Hmm...see who's planning to look good for Jace, huh?" Roxie teased.

She just loves teasing everyone and later on, she claims that she doesn't have anything to do with guys.

"Yeah...ofcourse, why not? He's my boyfriend after all," Lorinda replied straightfowardly.

Lorinda and Jace kicked it off during exam period, he also asked her to be his date for the prom too.

It was way to cute for my eyes to behold, well she deserves it because ever since the day she told me about 'them', I knew something was going to happen.

"Seems like we're the ones without dates here," Maddie said to Roxie.

"We can always make a single girls train," Roxie playfully replied.

"Girl...we're just two."

"It doesn't matter, I turned down a few guys because having a date is stressful, imagine being stuck with one guy all through the night, when they'll be lots of them. I prefer being a free girl on that day so I can perch on other girls guys just for fun," She replied.

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