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Daniel Orlando

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Daniel Orlando


Am I dreaming?

They were fuckin' making out!

Daniel was already shirtless and Veronica was clad only in almost bra and parties, their clothes already long forgotten on the floor.


They are both disgusting.

They froze a few seconds later, finally noticing my presence.

They looked at me, a smirk drew on Veronica's face while Daniel had a shocked expression on his face.

What is he going to do now? Tell me he's sorry? Tell me it's just a mistake? Tell me it's not what I think? Tell me it's the devil's doing?

That was what I expected...

But he did none of the above.

He turned back to Veronica who was already dragging him back and trying to get back his attention and they continued whatever they were doing.

He didn't even care...

That I was his girlfriend. That I was right there.

My fist clenched tightly...

But I wasn't angry, I was sad, broken, shattered. I felt so....used.

My eyes got glassy with tears, but I couldn't let them spill.

At least not here...

I couldn't let anyone see how weak I was right now.

I opened the bathroom door and walked out immediately making sure I closed the door with a big....BANG!

Only one thing could calm me down right now and in fact I was already in the right place.



I felt so light....

The light suddenly got brighter....

The music got louder....

I felt better....

I was dancing crazily on the dance floor, moving crazily to the rhythm and grinding on whosoever comes my way. I just found myself having so much fun without even minding the lenght of my dress.

I climbed on top of a table, still relishing all the madness within, scattering all the bottles and glasses on top.

I didn't care.

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