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This chapter is dedicated to Fangirl133505.
Thanks so much for giving my book a chance❤


We walked slowly on the sand  the sky was already getting a bit darker exhibiting different shades of pink.

Getting here without my car was a bit difficult but I had to find our way through a bus.

"I think know this place," Timothy said from beside me.

"It's Diamond beach....one of the smallest and least recognised beach in the state," I stated.

"I think I'm familiar with this place," he said, squinting his eyes like he was trying to recall something.

"I used to come here with my dad when I was younger," we both chorused at the same time.

"Jinx!" We chorused again.

We looked at each other on impulse and bursted into an uncontrollable laughter.

"It's really nice to see you laugh again...I know you don't laugh much but given what happened earlier today, I felt like you won't even try to smile for the rest of the day."

He sighed.

"I just wish things could go back to the way they were sometimes," he said.

"About your family?" I asked.

"I'm really sorry....you shouldn't have seen everything that happened, it was just supposed to be a simple visit but things just had to go wrong...and it just remindes me of how much I can't stand them no matter how much I try," he replied.

"It's not your fault," I tried to convince him.

"But it is...I was the one talking about control but I couldn't even control myself, it's not supposed to be that way, I've always tried to do that all my life and it feels like I keep failing at it."

It made my memory flash back to the scene that occured earlier, I'd never imagined Timothy as angry as that. It only made me wonder what exactly had happened between him and Zach and how his sister is involved in all of it.

I was also curious about how Zach was even related to them....

Infact, the curiosity about everything was getting the best of me.

"Maybe, we do have a little in common....when it comes to controlling our anger."

"I don't think so....I'm way better than you when it comes to that," he retorted.

"You think....you almost killed someone back there," I argued.

It felt like he wanted to say something but he closed his mouth shut and ran his fingers through his hair.

"You know, let's just not talk about that right now," he shrugged it off and I just realised what I said and what he was probably thinking of but trying so hard not to spill.

I mean, I fuckin' killed someone!

"Why was Zach in the hospital earlier today?" I blurted without even thinking it through, I felt mentally hungry for that information.

He looked away like he didn't want to say anything to me about it.

"Let's sit," he said, ignoring my question. He sat down on one of the plain rocks near the seashore and I did the same beside him before removing our shoes and placing our bare leg on the sand.

We did it almost at the same time like it was a normal known tradition.

It felt so soothing as my feet seeped slowly into the cold sand.

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