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Cody and I were sitted round a table just talking about random stuffs and technically catching up on all the fun things we'd missed out in each other's lives.

The night had been fun so far and Cody has proved to be a nice company. It was already around ten indicating that the prom night would almost be over.

I looked around, noticing all the happy faces. Who wouldn't be happy that they're finally leaving highschool. Some were talking, some laughing, eating, drinking, kissing, dancing. But amongst all, my eyes always darted towards a certain couple.

They looked so happy together and I tried so hard not to feel so bad about it.

"Stella--" I was snapped back to reality when Cody mentioned my name.

"Were you even listening?" He asked.

"Yeah...yeah, I was..I've been listening," I lied.

"No, you weren't...and that's because you've been staring at Claire and Tim.

That was selfish of me, I was right in front of Cody and I was staring else where.

"You like him, right?" He asked and I almost choked on my saliva.

"What?" I managed to say.

"You do."

"I don't...I don't like him that way, we're friends..yes, that's all," I quickly replied.

"I know it's not...I know how you feel about him, well because...you look at him just the way I look at you," he said.


"Yes...I like you a lot Stella. I've always liked you for a long while now but I didn't just know how to go about it," he started.

Damn. I feel guilty.

"But...if you really do like him, then it's fine because I won't want to be the one hindering your happiness," he said before placing his warm hands on my mine.

He was about to say something but was interrupted by Ms. Danielle's voice from the stage. She is one of those young, less grumpy teachers that helps organise social event and stuffs.

"I'm sad to announce that this event is almost coming to an end but of course the results are out and now, we would be able to crown our prom king and queen of the year," she announced and the noise in the background increased with a few people clutching tighter to their dates.

"Our prom king and queen of the year is--"

"Claire Thompson and Timothy Stones!"

Yeah. It just had to be.

There was a round of applause as they both stood up from where they were seated, Timothy helped her up and assisted with her dress before they walked elegantly up to the stage.

I wanted to look and be happy for them but I couldn't. I just...couldn't.

A crown and stash was placed on them before they hugged and Timothy placed a small peck on her cheek while some people took pictures.

That was it!

I couldn't take it, I couldn't take in the fact that he was up there with her.

A slow music started playing and it was their cue to dance.

But I couldn't watch.

I felt really bad and it almost brought tears to my eyes.

And that was when it dawned on me.

That I was jealous.

Jealous to see him with Claire, jealous to see him with any other girl as a whole.

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