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This chapter is dedicated to OutgoingLoner_7 
Thank you so so much for your support❤


Sleeping on Friday night was hard.

But waking up on Saturday morning was easier.

I seriously felt nothing different about myself.

I rolled, probably forgetting for the fiftieth time since I got here that I wasn't on my queensized bed.

I landed gracefully on the floor.

Now I felt something--Pain.

"Happy Birthday Stells!" I heard Roxie shout from nowhere.

I flinched at the sudden sound as my eyes tried to adjust to my surroundings.

"How is our queen doing?" She asked, her face glowing with happiness.

I'm so glad she's here--

"I'm in damn pain, Roxie," I replied and she laughed.

She's so fond of that, she finds almost everything hilarious.

"Fuck! What's the time?" I asked, noticing how loud and noisy everywhere had become.

"It's already nine or so...you know you slept late last night," she replied.

We usually worked every morning, we had a roaster for every day of the week but Saturday was a general work day so we had to wake up early in order to be able to finish all the work on time before the work inspector arrives.

"Am I in trouble? I haven't done my work? Is the work inspector here yet? Why didn't you wake me up?!"I blurted out all the questions at once, my voice getting higher with each one.

Calm down B....you're already an adult, you shouldn't be crying this much," she replied.

Yeah...an adult, it suddenly felt so weird.

Buy hey! I wasn't crying.

The work inspector already left ages ago, I did your work....or at least bullied someone else to do it," she said the last sentence with her voice as low as a whisper.

"But that's the least I could do for you...since, there's not much I can be able to do for you on your special day," she said, usinh her palm to rub nervously against the back of her neck with her gaze averting left and right so that she wouldn't meet my gaze.

I can't believe that I'll ever think this, but she looked damn adorable.

"Thanks so much....thank you for being here with me..." I trailed of.

She might not have been one of the best type of friend in the world but she was just as sweet.

"I seriously don't know what I'll be able to do without you," I continued since she didn't give out a response.

She smiled.

And it was more than enough response for me.


"Aren't you done wishing already?!" Kelly shrieked.

Of course, my family can't just go MIA on my birthday.

They were already here with a few snacks, drinks, my gifts and obviously my birthday cake.

It wasn't much of a big party like I've dreamed of for like five years but atleast it'd been worth it so far.

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