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This chapter is dedicated to NaziaJasminTalukdar for your votes and comments
You could check out her reading list, she has very nice books💕


I quickly glanced around the 'once empty hall'. My instincts were right, a few minutes away stood this weird guy.

He bent down immediately to pick up the books, which I assume fell down.

"I'm...I'm...I'm sorry," he stammered, fear in his eyes as he glanced over from me to Lan who were now pulled apart.

He ran past us when he didn't get back any reply from any of us.

I looked over to Lan who was having this death glare on his face, looking into space with tightly clenched fists.

He looked angry.

I started walking away, as fast as I could without even having a particular direction, just as long as I'm as far away from him as I could be.

I just couldn't believe it.

I almost kissed Lan.


I pulled up in the driveway of my home. I was glad today was almost over.

Kelly got out of the car while I still sat there, mentally scolding myself for what happened earlier today. I needed to remind myself about who I was...

I'm Stella Downer!


No one plays with me nor my emotions!

I felt like a fool for what happened earlier, I felt like I wasn't myself.

Just one guy...

I couldn't handle him and he almost had his way with me. It shouldn't be so, it should be the other way round.

That's how it has always been!

I remembered that I was still in the car, I got out, grabbed my bag and walked to the door.

Once I got in, the first thing I noticed was Ivy and Zach shoving their tongues down each other's throats, already half clothed on the couch.

I wonder if they even left for school earlier and I hope they involve protection in whatever they were planning on doing.

I noticed Kelly still on the staircase.

"How long have you been standing there?" I asked and she just shrugged in reply.

"What are you looking at?"

"Ivy is a pro....I'm learning," she replied, the last two words more like a whisper.

"Stop acting stupid," I scolded, dragging her up the stairs.


Walking into school as usual with my friends, it was clear that something was happening.

Students were clustered in groups, chattering, squeaking and giggling.

"There's gonna be a party this Friday," Amber suddenly said.

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