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This chapter is dedicated to _alcor09_.
Thamk you so much for your votes and comments, it made my day💞


Nicholas Dallas

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Nicholas Dallas.


I felt relieved, like all the burdens of my problems had been lifted off me.

I feel like all forms of alcohols should be added in the first aid box because that stuff comes in handy during emergency situations.

I was about to take a gulp from my glass but got interrupted by the buzzing sound of my phone. I looked at the flashing screen and was suprised to see an unknown number.

I felt a bit relieved when I didn't familiarise it as Cheryl's number, I didn't save it but that didn't stop me from recognising it anytime and anywhere...

Even when I'm tipsy.

I just wondered who was calling, maybe someone else interested in shattering the already broken peices of me.

I ignored it but a few seconds later, the same number called again and I picked immediately out of annoyance.

"What the hell do you want?!" I growled at the person on the other end.

"Stella?" The faint but undoubtedly familiar voice called out.


I remembered our last encounter on Saturday, he had left in a rush, he had said that his dad was in a critical condition and I haven't seen or heard from him ever since, I think he was also absent from school today.

"Are you okay? How's your dad doing?" I blurted without even thinking it through. What if he wasn't even the one on the phone?

"Well....he's still a bit unconscious and isn't allowed to have any visitors yet so I can't really tell his condition," he replied.

"But....are you okay?" He asked.

I didn't reply, I just let out a hysterical laugh out of the blue.

"You're asking me if I'm okay?...You guys should really stop asking me that..." I said, in between my loud giggles.

"What's so funny?" He asked, a hint of confusion evident in his voice.

I burst into another laughter.

"Are you home?' He asked.


"Where are you?"


"Yes, you...ofcourse it's you..."

"Oh, I dunno....somewhere," I replied.

I could tell that I was already getting on his nerves.

"Is everything okay? Are you sure everything is fine?" He asked again before I suddenly losed grip of my phone, it almost fell so I tried to catch it and fumbled with it before putting it back on my ear.

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