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This chapter is dedicated to TOLA_AISH.
Thank you for your votes and comments. It means a lot to me💜


I can do this.

Can I do this?

I can't do this!

"Hey...remember you're still a big sister right? I doubt Kelly will appreciate having a feeble sister. Man up!" Ivy said--more like instructed me.

We were already at the parking lot of my school. Kelly couldn't come because she was still at the hospital. It hurts because Kelly has always been a jovial type of person and seeing her just slumped lazily on a bed was a very different and completely rare view.

I wasn't comfortable with it. I wanted my annoying sister back.

'Just like the way she wants her strong and reliable elder sis back'.

"I want you to stand your ground and walk in like a different person, walk in like you don't give a shit about your past or the mistake you have made, show them that you've learnt the hard way and you're a better person now. Surprise them! Make them know that you don't need them to feel superior, you don't need them to be able to love yourself," she adviced, looking at me straight in the eye and stroking my hair quickly and continuously.

"Go in there and show them that you might have fallen...but you can still achieve your goals."

I nodded in reply.

"I'm Stella Downer," I muttered.

"Yes you are."

"I'm Stella Downer," I said, a bit louder and clearer this time.

She nodded her head and looked at me with a bright smile on her face.

"Thanks Ivy...you're the best," I appreciated before finally getting my ass off the seat and out of the car.

"Remember, there's a thin line between pride and self esteem....don't cross that line," she finally said through the car window before flashing me a smile and driving off.

I took a deep breathe before walking as confident as I could into the school building.

I mean, if I could survive a bunch of crazy juvenile teenagers, then I would be able to handle this.

I could feel gazes on me but I chose not to even give a glance back, or to my side.

I decided to just look forward. Just foward, I didn't mean to meet up to anyone's gaze so that my hard earned confidence won't be drained in a flash.

I finally stepped into the hallway and it already felt worse.

There were a bunch of students looking at me!

It's not like I looked at them but my side vision was betraying me.

It made me feel so uneasy and my mind couldn't stop from wandering.

I could tell what was in their minds...

A murderer.

She killed her own friend.

Is she out of jail already?

Eeww, she went to jail.

She's a used piece of trash, she was even used to seal a deal between Landor Jackson and her ex boyfriend who's now dating her rival who was once her prey.


Her friends even ditched her for Cheryl of all goddamn people.

She's such a loser.

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