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~5 years later~

"Ivy needs to be here, she told me she'll make it," Kelly complained, using her phone to probably contact Ivy.

"Just let it be, Ivy is a busy woman, she can't just fly all the way from New York to LA just because of wedding preparations," I defended.

"Are you so sure, she told me a few days back that she would be here," she argued.

"See, she called me, okay? She personally told me that she wouldn't be able to make it so don't overstress this."

"Okay...fine, but what if she suddenly calls and tell you that she can't also make it for your wedding?"

"I told you not to overstress this," I replied.

"Just what if? What if?"

"That's not gonna happen, and if it does, I'll go drag her all the way here myself if I have to," I answered.

We were on our way to meet the wedding planner for my wedding, from there, we would go a little wedding shopping.

My wedding with Timothy has been scheduled for a month from now and everything has to be ready.

A few rumours has been going round about me getting married before my elder sister but it's all about choice afterall, Ivy claims she isn't ready yet for a serious relationship so everyone has to respect that.

We got down from my car and walked into the building, I met with the receptionist and informed her about my appointment but the lady I came here to meet wasn't around yet so I was told to wait for a little while.

Life had been getting better this few years that'd passed by, my relationship with people has been doing good too.

I'd graduated from College and I started working in Theila Hospitals like a year back though I'm kind of still in the process of furthering my medical pursuit.

Kelly is already in College while Ivy left for New York a few months back claiming that she wants to start a life for herself.

"Why the hell can't you just leave me alone," I heard Kelly say in an annoyed tone as she stared intensely at her phone

It seemed like she wasn't talking to any one in particular.

"What's wrong?' I asked, noticing her uneasiness.

"It's just this stupid guy that just doesn't want me to breathe in peace," she blurted.

"Hmmm...a guy. That's new," I teased, stretching my neck, trying to take a view of her phone's screen but she kept drifting it farther away from me.

"Stella...we're in public...act your age," she complained, still trying to keep my phone out of my range of view.

"Okay...fine then, but when do I get to meet this 'guy'?" I asked.

"I pray you never do, he's a pain in the ass," she replied and just in time, Roxie walked in, Lorinda following behind with a little baby bump.

"Fuck it, little junior is growing faster than expected," I said, talking about Lorinda, referring to the baby bump Jace had put in there.

"You're also getting way top chubby, what the hell have you been eating?" I asked, noticing her rapid for increase in weight.

"Why do you think we came late, Lorinda has been eating way more than I do lately, we had to stop by to get cheeseburgers because she claimed that she was hungry while she ate breakfast just before we left the house," Roxie replied.

Roxie really haven't changed over the years, she still feels like guys in general are rapists and liars and she believes none of them deserves her trust or love.

Rielle left LA almost two years ago, she said that she wanted to let go of her past and start afresh somewhere else.

She wanted Roxie to go along with her but Roxie insisted she stays.

Roxie and Lorinda sat down on the seats behind mine.

"I thought we were running late," Roxie said.

"The lady isn't around yet, we'll have to wait a little longer," I replied.

"Okay then," Roxie replied, bringing out her phone from her jacket jean.

Just then, my phone rang I found out it was Timothy calling.

"Hey babe,' I said, immediately I answered the call.

"Love, I'm tired, it's just the early hours of the afternoon but I can't focus," he said.

"Oh, really? What exactly is wrong?"

"I dunno, I guess my mind is always drifting towards a black haired girl with captivating eyes and succulent lips," he replied.

"Oh...doesn't your secetary have black eyes, captivating eyes and succulent lips?" I replied even if I knew that he was clearly trying to tease me.

"Oh...c'mon, do you have to make things this hard...okay, fine. I've been thinking about you all day," he said.

"Are you sure, or just trying to test a few cheesy pick up lines on me."

"I'm damn serious here, like...for real," he said, his voice getting a bit deeper snd huskier than before.

"Okay, how about we settle that later," I replied.

Just then, I notice the petite brunette lady we'd been waiting for.

"I about to meet the wedding planner, just hoping if you could ateast, drop by for a few minutes," I suggested.

"Sure...if it means seeing you, then I'll be right there in a jiffy," he replied before I disconnected the call.

If there's one thing I know, it's that I'll never regret ever letting him into my life.


...And there it is! 'Fallen' is now completed.

I'm excited, it's a really big deal for me!

Thank y'all for going through this journey with me.

Both those that started from the very beginning, those that joined along the way and those yet to read. Thaank you! Ilyssssm❤!

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Please don't skip the other part after this one. It's equally important!

Started: 30th of October 2020.

Finished: 17th of February 2021.


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