54. Appropriately Avoiding

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Song: (Fuck A) Silver Lining- Panic! At The Disco

Flashback Chapter

Draco pushed past the crowds of Saturday morning, he'd put his hood up but people still knew it was him. Someone pulled it down along his way, pulling himself down as well.

He gasped as the breath left his lungs and his back hit the floor just in front of the stairs. He looked around to find his head was hanging over the first step, a sigh of relief left his mouth but he knew deep down the cause of his pain had failed their original plan. Sitting up, he noticed someone standing at his feet, staring down at him. They were more petite than he'd expected, it was Parkinson.

"Keep hiding, it'll help me convince them all you're still following the losing side," she said as he got up. He was much taller than her but she didn't let that be a bother.

Draco folded his arms, "I'm not hiding. I'm getting out of everyone's way, they obviously do not want any of us here."

"Us? Who's us? I am not one of you, Malfoy," she grimaced at the thought, her short hair following every movement of her head in small bounces.

He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, "You know what I mean. You gave up Potter's location, they don't want you here. I gave myself to Voldemort, they will never forgive me for that. We are in this together, avoiding people for their comfort."

A loud chuckle came from her mouth, she had to hold her stomach as she bent over, shaking with laughter. "You think avoiding everyone will make that better? That's the funniest thing I have ever heard, Malfoy! No, it won't, nothing you do will ever make that better. You and I are not the same, I chase my demons, you run from them. Keep dreaming, blondie."

"Your demons are not trauma, they're guilt," he spoke so softly that he wasn't sure he even said anything. She was at his throat in a second, backing him up to the stairs as she threatened. "You will wish you were never born, Malfoy. How dare you say I feel guilty. Potter deserved it, he deserved everything that came to him. And so do you."

"You think I don't know what I deserve?" He argued as she got closer, trying to push him to the top step.

She smiled fakely, "Oh? And what's that?" He stared down at her, "Nothing."

Pansy laughed again, "No, you deserve to suffer. Taking the mark, we all know how you got it. Your soul is all darkness now, you can't recover from that. You hurt an innocent man. Me? I just exposed someone who deserved what was coming to him."

"Potter didn't deserve that. Have his parents killed then having to deal with someone constantly trying to kill him for being born. He didn't have a choice but to accept what was happening. I did have a choice and I did it anyways, I deserve nothing. I deserve to be alone forever, to rot in Hell, Zabini agrees." Draco let Pansy have the upper hand, her preparing to shove him off.

Many people stood around to watch. "You deserve even less than that. Blaise is right, I should push you here and now. Hope you wake up dead in the hospital wing," Pansy growled her words.

Draco gave her a look that asked what she was waiting for and she took it as permission, shoving him as hard as she could.

Her satisfaction didn't last long as the fun blocker arrived. Hermione walked up the stairs upon hearing a disturbance, catching his fall with a quick Aresto Momentum. As he slowed down, she pulled him back up, starting to reprimand those who watched and did nothing and then Pansy.

"Parkinson, fifty points from Slytherin." Hermione looked down at Draco who she'd set on the floor again. He stood by, almost like he was waiting or looking for something. "It is never appropriate to push another student down the stair cases. I've already given Nott detention and I am forcing you to join him. I don't care what sort of spat you two are in but you cannot take your anger out on Malfoy. He was right, he deserves nothing. Get to Headmistress' office, now."

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