60. Endearing Epilogue

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Song: Growing Up- Macklemore & Ryan Lewis- Ft. Ed Sheeran

Draco woke up the same way he had for the past seven years, sighing and covering his face with a pillow to block out the sun and other pests. "You know that never works," Hermione laughed, she had already sat up, ruffling his hair and clearing the obstruction from her view of him. He gave her an overly dramatic frown but he couldn't help the small smile as the bed started to feel like it was having an earthquake.

His soft expression didn't last long as soon a rather heavy being fell onto his waist. Fighting the pain, he helped them to move and caught another before they tried the same action. The entirety of the mattress shook as a third and most hefty weight fell upon it. The fourth was rather pathetic compared to the three, well planned, careful moves that didn't even teeter the other occupants.

"Morning!" A voice screamed. Draco cringed, taking in a breath and hoping his eardrums recovered. "Good morning."

"Good morning, Dad!" A different one shouted. "Morning, Mum!"

"Honey, dad is just waking up, be a bit quieter, please." Hermione laughed at the same expression she always saw, helping a child off her husband as he grimaced at the volume.

The third struck again as always, being by far the worst behaved. "Dad! Can I skip school today? Please please please!!!" Draco luckily had put the pillow over his waist but the child still kneed him in the thigh and elbowed him in the chest as they jumped over to beg more convincingly.

"Good morning to you too and I already told you yesterday and all of the year before, we only skip school for birthdays, deaths, and legitimate illnesses. Of three, I don't see any happening, so you are going to school." The father tried to comb through his child's unruly hair but it wasn't worth the effort, only making more static that would in turn make more tangles.

Obviously having practiced all night, the same child pretended to cry but he stayed straight faced. "B-but Albus n-never has to go.. and Quay never comes either.."

"Albus has a Mum who doesn't work much and has all the time in the world to teach him at home. Your Mum goes to school and work so you'll just have to deal."

"Muuuumm, stay home so I don't have to go to school!"

"Sorry honey, I've got to go today. I have a lot more to learn than just fractions," Hermione adjusted herself to have her feet off the bed before getting up to go get dressed.

"We could switch classes and you can learn fractions and I'll do your thing," the child begged, pulling from their father's hug to further bother their mother instead.

Hermione smirked, "As much as I would love to, first I have to make sure you know what we're talking about, make sure you're up to speed. What are the seven principles of social work?"

"Kindness, love, caring, um.. being the best mom ever?.." The mother only grinned wider, finishing getting dressed as she shook her head.

"First, tell your father he's drooling," Hermione laughed when her husband wiped his mouth then glared at her. "Second, no. Third, flattery isn't going to get you out of school."

"Its not flattery if it's true," a different girl commented, getting a smile from the woman before she left to the bathroom.

"No fair!" The first shouted, folding their arms and pouting, once again pretending to sob.

"Sam, please, I just woke up." Draco rubbed his forehead, using his thumb to wipe debris from the corners of his eyes. The most polite of the four small humans on the bed cuddled up into his side, falling back asleep in only seconds. He pet their head, using his other hand to push hair from his face as he yawned. "You all are going to be late if you don't go get dressed."

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