11. Diagon Draco

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Song: Love Someone- Lukas Graham

Draco had just gotten off work. He was so happy to be getting away from the Grangers. Hermione was constantly stressed, her parents questioned Draco at every chance they got, and Allison still wouldn't acknowledge anyone's existence. He was so over it already.

He walked from his office to the reception desk to clock out. "I'm leaving, Astoria. See you on Thursday, I won't be here at all tomorrow. Send owls to the people working on this floor that tomorrow is optional." Draco boredly spoke, he never liked talking to Astoria. But she was great at sorting files and sending mail in a timely manner, so he couldn't fire her.

"And why will Mr. Malfoy be taking the day off and giving the option for his employees?" She asked vehemently. He rolled his eyes.

"That's between me and I. Just do it, please. Have them all sent out by tonight, I have a letter here that will explain it to the employees. Just copy it and send it to all of them." He slid the letter towards her then left the building.

Walking through Diagon Ally, Draco found a few things he thought Hermione might like. Sugar quills, chocolate frogs, a few books that were new on the shelves. He found one book in particular about household spells, like slicing vegetables and sweeping charms. He knew she'd enjoy it as she didn't seem to know many of these things.

All together he had 4 items when he checked out. A box of sugar quills, a chocolate frog, the household cleaning book, and some wizard romance novel. He had to go to a muggle store to find the last thing he wanted and it took him forever.

Finally Draco came to the check out at the muggle store, one hand holding a slightly overflowing paper bag and the other a CD. He knew Hermione liked playing music in her room and she had explained to him that CDs held the music and spun around inside the player to make sound come from the machine. So he thought getting her a CD of Singing In The Rain would be appropriate.

He handed the disk to the cashier who looked at him weirdly. "Find everything okay?" She asked him. Draco nodded.

"Just listening to some Gene Kelly by yourself or is all this for someone?" She asked him, gesturing to his bag and the disk. She put the disk in a tiny bag as she rung up the price.

"Well I'm sure I'll hear her talk about all of it but no. It's for a friend's birthday, if I can even call her a friend. Not sure what she is to me really." He said, he realized he'd said to much. Telling his life story to the cashier was definitely weird.

"Ah, a friend with benefits?" She smirked as she handed him the bag.

"Um, what is that?" He was very confused at the muggle term. He'd never heard of it before, he assumed she was maybe right though. He was friends with Hermione but he also got to do things friends don't do. Like kiss her, hold her hand, and sleep next to her.

"Don't worry about it, darling. Here's your CD. It'll be 4£." He took the bag and set it in the paper bag.

Taking his wallet from his back pocket, he had to set down the paper bag to open it. He squinted as he looked for 4£ in the muggle bills he had. Finally, he found it and gave it to the woman before putting away his wallet and picking up the bag again. "Thank you, have a nice day," she said as he left. He just waved kindly as he exited the store.

He couldn't help but wonder if all muggles were this weird. The Grangers were confrontational, Allison was ignorant, and the woman was way too kind. It seemed like muggles all had their own little quirky personalities with one trait sticking out more than the others.

He walked to the side of the store and made sure no one saw him before apparating to the Burrow. He reapeared and walked through the barrier to the front door. "Alohomora," he said to the door and it gladly unlocked and opened. He had gotten better at wandlessly unlocking things but his other spells needed work.

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