5. Singing Storms

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Song: Singing In The Rain- Gene Kelly

Draco had woken up yet again and went to work again as well. He'd just gotten back and it was raining at the Burrow. He was soaking wet, his hair in his face, when he came inside. He dripped all over the floor and he took off his suit jacket. He removed his shoes and set them by the door, on the drying mat.

Walking upstairs, he changed into some sweat pants and a lose shirt. He looked at himself in the mirror, his hair was still soaking wet.

He attempted to dry his hair with his bath towel but it wasn't very effective. He grumbled and walked back down into the family room. Noticing something out the back window. Hermione was just standing on the back porch, watching the rain fall.

He opened the backdoor, walking onto the porch in his socks. He joined her in watching the sky drip. "How are you?" He asks her. She didn’t respond.

He sat his hand on her shoulder, "Hermione?" She still paid him no attention. She was in deep thought and looked sad. Draco decided he would try to cheer her up.

He stood in front of her then picked her up, his arms holding onto the space just above the back of her knees. She awoke out of her trance.

"Draco what the Hell?" She said squirming. He smirked at her, "just trying to cheer you up and see that beautiful smile."

He carried her out into the yard, rain drenching them. Hermione was screaming at him but laughing at the same time. "Draco put me down!"

He laughed at her, twirling her around. "But you haven't heard my performance yet! The show has just begun!" He smirked at her.

She wrapped her arms around his neck to stop her from falling into mud if he dropped her. She could feel her pants and shirt becoming heavy from holding so much rain.

She went to say something but Draco interrupted her and started singing, "I'm singin' in the rain.." his voice was calm and steady, he twirled her around again. "Just singin' in the rain.." his voice drifted off to nothing as each line came to an end.

Hermione was hanging on every word, she found his voice rather beautiful, though she still wanted to be put down. "What a glorious feeling.." he sang as she was thinking to herself.

He moved her so she could wrap her legs around him rather than be held at the knees. She used the opportunity to touch her feet back to the ground, though she was still in his arms.

He looked up into the sky, wrapping his arms around her upper back. "I'm happy again.. I'm laughing at clouds.." he tipped his head back down to look at her. "So dark up above.. The sun's in my heart.. and I'm ready for love.."

He took her hand in his and twirled her around then back into his chest. She giggled, just what he wanted.

"Let the stormy clouds chase, everyone from the place, come on with the rain, I've a smile on my face.." he grinned at her as he guided her back and forth, in a dance. She smiled back at him.

"I walk down the lane, with a happy refrain, just singing.." Hermione closed her eyes as she leaned against his chest. She could hear his heart pumping and his singing was a tad muffled.

"Singing in the rain. Dancing in the rain. " he lifted her by her waist about 2 feet off the ground before lowering her back to the muddy floor. "La ri la la ri la.." he hummed for a second before continuing.

"I'm happy again." He held her hands and looked into her eyes as he sang and danced. "I'm singin' and dancing in the rain." He pulled her closer to him. "I'm dancing and singin' in the rain.." he finished his performance.

His hair dripped down his face, his socks were muddy and wet. Hermione's pant bottoms were absorbing the mug, allowing it to travel up to just below her knee. Her face and hair were also dripping, she was smiling widely at him. "There's that smile I wanted." He said to her.

She blushed but it couldn't be seen through the fresh water droplets that splashed on her face. He pulled her into a hug.

"I don't wnat to see you sad, Hermione. I'll always be trying my best to cheer you up. Even if it means getting covered in mud and drenched in rain, I'll keep singing to you to make you laugh at me." He said to her, looking right into her eyes.

Hermione looked into his as well, "you've done well this time Draco. You're a very bad singer, i couldn't help but laugh." She giggled as she teased him.

He put on a fake hurt face, "woooowww, i spent all this time thinking you just adored my voice but you were just trying not to laugh at me. How rude." He chuckled lightly.

She giggled again, "I'm not here to be nice, Draco. "

At this Draco leaned down and kissed her forehead, "sure, I'll believe that when I see you be rude to someone who doesn't deserve it. Which has never happened in the history of ever." He gave her a teeth filled smile.

She rolled her eyes and grabbed his arm after pulling out of the hug. "Come on. Its cold out here and I'm soaked because of you." She dragged him behind her and into the house, he laughed the whole way there.


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