45. Assailant Auror

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Song: Ain't No Rest For The Wicked- Cage The Elephant

*Disclaimer: this may be a hard topic for some people and I realize it's frustrating as it's current event related. Know this chapter was planned before said events and is not to say my opinion on such.

Also to note: any comments not related to the story that I deem too controversial and or political will be removed. This stands as a recommendation not to comment on this chapter but please do on all others, laughter is my most prized experience but I wish to keep us peaceful.*


Hermione got up and went to work like she did almost everyday, having to sadly move out from under a heavy blonde and kiss him goodbye while he complained. She was used to that now after a few months.

What she wasn't used to was coming home to an Auror once a month. It was never Harry or anyone she or Draco knew. Some she recognized but others she couldn't even begin to know. They were always so standoffish and assuming. Some of the Aurors didn't pay attention to the news, today's gentlemen for example.

Draco had just been reading on the couch, Hermione getting home after the Auror had started his check of the house. He looked to be almost done as well but once he saw the brunette woman enter, he was quickly on Draco's case. She could hear her boyfriend coughing from suddenly being pulled to the ground. Hermione had noticed over time that muggleborn Aurors were much harsher than the halves.

"Please, stop. Get off of him." She had heard stories but never seen it with her own eyes, the fierce brutality. The Auror stayed put, his knee in Draco's back, "Miss Granger, is this man holding you hostage? Is he hurting you in any way?"

"Of course not! I am talking to Harry about your training. Seriously, why would I willingly walk back into my house if he was a threat? Get off already!" Hermione's eyebrows had knitted and lowered, her feet taking her closer as her arms folded.

"I am required to assess the situation, Miss Granger. I must know you're okay."

"I am fine! And you did such a wonderful job by the way, its not everyday someone hired to keep wizarding citizens safe tackles an innocent man!" She was losing patience and came closer to shoo away the Auror who still wasn't moving. "I don't mean to sound entitled but your Head Auror will not appreciate when Hermione Granger calls to tell him what morons he's hired."

The man was now quickly standing, Hermione glared at him for a second before kneeling next to Draco. "Are you alright? Need anything?" She was almost silent in her patronizing nature, "Besides a jerk out of our house."

Draco coughed again as she helped him to sit up, letting her take his hand. "I'll get you some water," she said without waiting on a response to her last question.

"What kind of person do you think you are? Does it make you feel better to hurt people aimlessly?" She spoke haughtily, coming back to Draco but her stare was hate-filled at the Auror. "Herms, its okay. I'm used to it," the blonde coughed once more before his breath evened back into normal.

Hermione softened just a little at his voice but continued rebuking the ministry worker, "It's never okay! He is just as innocent as I am. There is no reason to do these visits for him. What proof do you even have that he deserves this? That he deserves to be reminded of what he was forced to do, what is your evidence? Why would he even do anything in the first place? He disenchants objects for a living!"

The Auror was obviously tired of her tone and scoffed before continuing his search of the house. Hermione was boiling while Draco was annoyed with both people. "Hermione, its fine. Seriously. Just let it be what it is. No use in getting mad at him when he's not in control of how he's trained or ordered."

She frowned down at him, kneeling to his level, "Why do you just let them treat you like this?" Caressing his cheek, she looked concerned with his wellbeing.

He shrugged, "What would I even do about it? Its not like it heavily inconveniences me or anything. Once a month isn't bad considering it started with weekly visits. Better than daily in Azkaban."

She wasn't refreshed by his answer, "They proved you safe in Azkaban, so why do they even bother checking on you?" He shrugged again, "No idea but there really is no reason to fight with him about it. It won't accomplish anything besides maybe a new news story in The Daily Prophet or Witch Weekly."

"What would they even have to write about?" She rose an eyebrow questionably. "Well if I'm correct, someone's writing Harry or the Minister a letter of complaint. I just wish i could give you more sources for examples." He looked at her knowingly and she blushed.

Hermione scratched at her neck, "Perhaps." Draco smirked, "We both know that means yes in Granger."

"You don't know that," she forced herself not to smile, basically biting both of her lips into her mouth. Her eyes said different from her mouth and he laughed at this. "Sure I don't. I know nothing."

"Exactly," her face was red but her expression stayed embarrassingly neutral.

The Auror had finished his look around and cleared his throat noisily, attempting to gather the attention of the couple who still sat on the carpeted floor. Hermione ignored it but Draco tilted his head to find the source of sound. She glared at the Auror for taking the Malfoy's heed.

His black and red uniform swayed in it's cloak as he walked with dignity to the door, partially slamming it on his exit. Hermione huffed and stood up, not falling for his want of pity apologies.


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