4. Reveling Readheads

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Song: Nothing On You- B.O.B. ft Bruno Marz.

Draco woke up, he stretched his arms above him, yawning. He looked at the time, 8:30am, breakfast was probably ready by now. He looked across the room, seeing Ron snoozing without a care in the world. He wished he could be as care free as Ron.

"Ron. Ron. Ronald. Ron." Draco tried waking him up to go to breakfast. He reached over and grabbed his shoulder to shake him. Ron immediately woke up, turned toward Draco and smacked his hand off his shoulder. "Don't. Touch. Me." Ron spoke with a grunt. Draco backed up slightly.

"I'm just waking you to say breakfast will be ready downstairs. Figured you wanted it warm. Sorry." Draco threw on a thin shirt to go with his pj shorts and walked downstairs. As he walked down the spiraled stair case he couldn't help but think that Ron was an asshole. Draco had tried so hard to befriend him, he was the only Weasley that couldn't accept he'd changed. He grumbled to himself.

He got to the bottom of the stairs and was immediately frightened. A loud yawn echoing behind him. His body shook a little then he turned around to see Hermione. She looked heavenly, at least Draco thought so. Her brown hair in tangles, a purple thick strap tank top, pj pants that were too long, and a sleepy smile on her face.

"Goodmorning Draco." She said, directing her eyes toward him. He blushed slightly and washed his previous thoughts out of his head, "Goodmorning Hermione."

Flaming red hair blew past them on the stairs, Draco faced the beast and found it was Ron. Breakfast was ready.

Walking into the kitchen, Hermione's and Draco's noses were filled with delight. They sat down next to each other like they had at dinner last night. Everyone was staring at them as they piled food onto their plates then shoveled it into their mouths.

Draco lifted his head as he saw Percy staring at him, then looking around at the table, everyone was staring at him and Hermione.

"What?" He said bluntly, raising an eyebrow. The Weasleys were going mad with the level of suspense.

"Couldn't help but notice you two walked in together, both rather cheerful. Funny you sat together when there's room here, right next to me." Ron spoke, it was more audible than usual and filled with a high amount of sass.

Hermione looked up at this point, she hadn't even noticed them staring until now. She hated the tone of Ron's voice as he spoke to her and Draco. "Ronald, you know exactly why I didn't sit there.." She said quietly in a stern manner. "It's just a coincidence that we arrived at the same time, we did both finish our final year of Hogwarts this year. Maybe we're both still stuck on school time, even though it's been a couple weeks." She spoke as she stabbed some scrambled egg with her fork. She popped it into her mouth and shrugged in Ron's direction. Draco nodded to Hermione to signal she was telling the truth and an accurate possible explanation. Though Draco knew that had he not been distracted by her morning look, he would've arrived sooner.

*Mature Topics Warning*
*Skip To Next Bold If Uncomfortable*

Ginny came through the kitchen door and sat down next to Ron. She suspiciously had a mark on her neck, she'd tried to cover it with her hair but a mark as dark as it was could not be covered by bright red hair. Harry entered the room a minute later, having some purple spots near and on his jawline, he wore a turtleneck sweater, which Draco assumed was to hide more love bites.

Draco chuckled and choked slightly on his orange juice, Hermione gave him a few pats on the back as he coughed. "Are you okay, Draco?" Molly asked him. He gave her a thumbs up as he calmed down from his coughing fit.

Hermione was giggling at Ginny, also trying to hide it. "You look rather, relaxed today Gin. How was your evening? I imagine it was quite memorable," Hermione teased.

"Oh shut your trap. We don't talk about this, especially not at breakfast, I'm starving. It's like all my energy is gone." Ginny said, rolling her eyes as she shushed Hermione.

"I'm sure you are." Said George from the opposite end of the table as Ginny, Draco, Hermione, and Molly.

Ginny gave him a death glare which screamed, 'i will kill you if another word comes out of your chocolate frog eating mouth.' George went silent.

*Mature Topics End*
For those who didn't read, we'll say Ginny and Harry arrived at the table, one entering a minute later than the other. There had been a Quidditch match a few days prior and they were arguing over the best team. Hermione teased Ginny about her collectable Hollyhead Harpies figures. George also mentions her bedsheets and entire room being dedicated to the Quidditch team.
You may now resume your regularly scheduled programming.

Draco thought this conversation was funny but it wasn't enough to distract him from what Hermione said, "you know exactly why I didn't sit there.." He wondered what had happened to the Golden trio and why Hermione and Ron were cross with each other. He told himself to ask her later in the week.

Molly was now interrogating Ginny and Harry, both had very red faces. They could've auditioned for parts in Veggie Tales. Draco looked at the time, 9:30 he needed to get ready and leave. He had to be at work by 9:45. Even though he was his own boss, he liked being on time. He excused himself and got ready.

He adjusted his tie near the front door of the burrow. As soon as he reached the door handle he was caught off guard by seeing Harry standing in front of him. "Yes, Potter?" He asked Harry.

"I'd just like to say, don't be hurting Hermione. She's gone through enough already and I don't want to see what happened before happen again. You got that, Malfoy?" Harry spoke with full seriousness.

Draco gulped, he was getting the brother talk. "Yes, I understand. I will not hurt her, I promise you and her that. I need to get to work. If you have more to say, owl me or talk to me later on when I'm back here. Goodbye, Potter, have fun with your redheaded women problem." Draco smirked as he walked out of the Weasley home and out of the barrier to where he could apparate.

"Hello, Astoria." He greeted his receptionist as he arrived on the third floor of Malfoy International.

At home, Hermione was arguing with Molly as they cleaned up breakfast.

"Yes, I'm over Ron, Molly. And I don't have feelings for Draco, he's just a friend. I don't think I'll ever be able to see him as not a Death Eater anyways." She spoke as she viciously scrubbed burnt egg crumbs off a pan.

"Hermione. You'll be able to see past it, trust me. He's changed, he may still have the mark but he's not on the dark side anymore. Now tell me what you actually think of him? Isn't he just dreamy and an overall sweetheart?" Molly said to her.

Hermione gasped, "Molly!" She had a bit of a laugh. It was unlike Mrs. Weasley to try to gather information on Hermione's boyfriends or crushes.


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