35. Another Attitude

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Song: Bring It On Home- American Authors

He came up behind her as she was cutting things up, kissing her cheek and snaking his arms around her waist, "Need any help, Darling?" She blushed a little and turned to give him a peck on the lips before giggling a little, "You are such a distraction. I don't need any help, but thank you Drake."

He came to the other side of her and peppered her cheek in more kisses, "what were you saying? I'm a distraction? Whatever do you mean?"

She laughed cutely and set down her knife to shoo him off. "Stop it, I won't be able to finish dinner in time if you keep hindering me."

"Maybe I want to hinder you. Did you think about that? " he tickled her sides lightly and she laughed hysterically, trying to take his hands from her.

"D-draco Malf-foy, you devil! S-stop it, I'm gonna wet myself!" She could hardly breathe as tears came to her eyes. Neither realized the guests who had apparated into the dining room and were peering into the kitchen.

Draco chuckled just as loudly as she did, kissing her cheeks in between laughs, still tickling her. "Why would i do that when it makes you so happy?" He teased her. She was blushing like crazy and ran for it as she finally got out of his grip, he chased not far after her. Picking her up like a bride he twirled her around, "you can't escape me that easily. Who do you take me for?" He chuckled as she faked being angry with him. A grin spread across her face not long after, "Fine, you win. I love your distractions."

"There's my girl," he said with a smirk before kissing her on the lips. She kissed back and brought her hands to be around his neck. He moved her to be holding her thighs to his chest, her feet were just 5 inches from the floor before he set her down and pulled away.

She giggled again before a look of panic came over her features, "You ass! I still haven't finished making the salad for dinner!" She ran to back to the kitchen as he laughed. Walking slowly toward where she'd gone, he noticed his parents stood in the room not far from where he currently was. "Don't you dare come back in here." He heard Hermione's voice call from her cutting board.

"I'm not!" He called back, another laugh leaving his mouth. "Hello mother, father." He acknowledged both of his parents, holding out his arms to hug his mother. She accepted gratefully and Draco nodded to his father. "I missed you guys. Happy to have you in my house, finally. Its only been like two months since I told you about it." He laughed a little. He knew he was making them uncomfortable with how much emotion he was showing when he was usually monotone, silent, and proper in front of them.

He walked halfway to the kitchen, flashing his parents a sign to give him a second. "Herms, my parents are here now. I assume the Potter's aren't far behind. Everything going well?" Hearing slight swears he came all the way into the kitchen. Hermione was running her hand under the sink.

"Herms, what are you doing?" He came up behind her and she seemed focused on her finger. "Oh, sorry Drake, I didn't hear you come in. I just cut my finger, I'm alright, just trying to get the bleeding to stop."

Draco gave her a slight glare, "This is why I tell you to just use your wand to cut things. There is few accidents and its more efficient. Let me fix you up and help you finish, then we can go chat with my parents while we wait for Ginny, Harry, and Teddy." Hermione just nodded sadly, pulling her finger from the water. "I'm not mad at you sweetheart, accidents happen." He kissed her cheek like he had many times before.

Opening a drawer he found a band-aid and after drying her hand he placed it over the cut, pressing it firmly to make it stick. "All better?" He asked her, she nodded, "All better." He smiled and helped her cut up the other vegetables and mix the salad. When all was done he took her hand and walked with her into the living room where his parents had sat down.

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