43. Heedful Hatching

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Song: Fly Me To The Moon- Frank Sinatra- Lofi cover

Hermione realized there was no way she could carry Ginny and there was no way Ginny could walk at this stage. "Draco, pick her up and take her to St. Mungos. I'll call Harry and meet you there after I drop off Teddy. Hurry up!"

Draco gave a small nod and picked Ginny up bridally, "Ginny, help me floo us there." She took a handful of floo powder and immediately threw it in the flames trying to scream the name clearly, "Saint Mungos!"

As soon as they arrived Draco walked up to the reception desk, "Hi. Ginny here is gonna have a baby and now. What'd you say? Two months early?"

The nurse coming to assist them asked Draco to bring Ginny up to the maternity ward, which luckily was the second floor. He set her on a bed and held her hand, she about crushed it and Draco clenched his teeth to keep calm. "Its going to be okay Ginny. It'll be okay," He tried to be helpful.

"What if its not, Draco!? What if my baby dies!? What if when I meet my baby girl, she's dead!" She was crying hysterically and kicking her feet as healers came in to help. "Ginny, don't worry about that right now. Focus on your breathing, I'm sure they'll all be here soon."

"Alright, dad, would you like to help deliver your son or daughter?" One of the healers spoke to Draco, who was having his hand crushed to a pulp as another contraction started.

He blushed wildly, "No no no, if you need help I'm here, but I am not the father. Just a friend helping till he gets here." He panicked as Ginny screamed. One of the healers was helping to get her pants off in time for the baby to enter the world. The one talking to Draco laughed and nodded before giving him a soft towel, "I'm going to pass the baby to you as soon as its out, if the father gets here before that, you pass this to him." Draco gave a nod and looked back to Ginny.

"Ginny, it'll be alright, I'm here." Tears still streamed down her face along with sweat. Her hair was becoming oily and her grip wasn't getting any looser. "I'm going to kill that Potter when he gets here!" Was all she said to him. This frightened Draco a little but he pushed past that as he saw Hermione come in the door.

He gave her a panicked smile, "Hello, darling. Did you message Harry? She's killing me here." Hermione kissed him on the cheek.

"I heard that!" Ginny yelled. "I sent him a patronus message right after you two left. Took Teddy to Molly's and came straight here. He still hasn't arrived?" Hermione looked a bit panicked now too as Draco shook his head. He cringed in pain everytime Ginny did and he hoped that either Harry would get here faster or the baby would be born soon. He may come out of this without a left hand if he was forced to stay much longer.

Ginny screamed once more, "I am never doing this ever again!" Hermione remembered this is exactly what Fleur had said and then she got pregnant again.

The healers seemed to be getting ready for something and Ginny worried that Harry would miss the birth of his child. The raven-haired boy entered just as one of the doctors told Ginny they could see the baby.

Harry rushed to Ginny's side, opposite to Draco. "Gin, I'm here. I'm so sorry I'm late, but I'm here now, anything you need." He squeezed her hand as she yelled at him, "Its about damn time! Do you have any idea how worried I've been!?"

He cowered a little, "i really am sorry, Gin. I love you, I'm here now. I'm not going to miss this for anything." He kissed her forehead and slightly regretted grabbing her hand. He noticed Draco fighting some pain as well, the poor man still couldn't get out of her grasp.

Ginny screamed once more but this time it was followed by tiny cries. Hermione gave Harry the little towel and he got the signal to hold it out for the doctor. A little bundle had very pale skin that was almost see-through. Harry smiled down at the baby, petting their hair before peering at Ginny. Ginny was no near as happy as Harry was, she was actually in a state of shock and panic.

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