9. Barstool Blunder

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Song: Everybody Talks- Neon Trees

Draco had been pulled aside by Molly to be informed it was Hermione's birthday soon. He panicked a little, her birthday is on the 19th and it was already the 16th. He didn't have very long to find her a gift and it needed to be perfect. She would be turning 20 years old.

As he discussed ideas with Molly, Hermione had come downstairs. She was smiling brightly, her hair seemed to be in tighter cleaner curls, her eyes were lighter, she seemed to be glowing with joy. "What's got you so perky, Granger?" He asked her, Hermione's smile had somehow transfered to his mouth as well. They both looked like idiots as they grinned so widely at each other.

"I just got a letter back from my parents, they said they can come to my birthday this year!" She was beaming with delight. Molly clasped her hands together, "well that's just lovely Hermione, dear. I'll make sure to provide enough for them. Will they be spending the night?" Molly smiled normally and tilted her head when she spoke her question.

"Actually, they're going to stay for a few nights if you and Arthur don't mind. If i give them a yes they'll arrive tomorrow at noon and stay until Thursday the 20th." Hermione had on her best puppy dog eyes for Molly right now. She hoped they would work.

Molly smiled, "no need to look at me like that. Of course they can stay over. Tell them I look forward to tomorrow." Molly spoke happily and pointed to Hermione as she instructed her on what she wanted in the letter.

Hermione giggled awkwardly, "i already did. I just haven't mailed it. I'll be back in a second!" She yelled as she ran to the opposite side of the kitchen. She stamped the letter then called, the Weasley's new barn owl, Illume. She hastily tied the letter to the owl's leg then told it where to take the letter. She watched it soar through the air to deliver the letter. She was thrilled to be seeing her parents so soon.

Hermione had restored her parent's memories during the summer after the war. She then lived with them while retaking her 7th year at Hogwarts. She never realized how much she truly missed them until she had them back in her life again. It was as though nothing had changed, well except they had adopted a little girl. She was 8 years old, now 9. Her name is Allison, everyone calls her Ally. She was almost the exact opposite of Hermione.

Allison was very pale. Her hair was naturally black as could be and she cut it in a short, shaggy, emo style. She was a muggle who wasn't afraid of magic but not impressed by it either. Hermione didn't hate her new little sister but she didn't enjoy that her parents replaced her with someone else. Allison was more so a boring child, she didn't even have a cell phone and she ignored everyone and everything around her. It was like she was constantly focused on her mind. Hermione saw a lot of Ravenclaw type traits in the little girl.

Hermione walked back to the table where Draco and Molly had been talking. Her smile wasn't as bright as it had been before. She sat in one of the barstools, looking over at Draco. He had a slight blush on his face when he noticed her staring.

Hermione blushed slightly too. Molly took notice and left the kitchen saying, "I need to go help George with something. I'll be back later."

Hermione and Draco came out of their frozen state and nodded at Molly then looked immediately back at each other. Draco didn't know how to start the conversation so Hermione did the honor.

"So my birthday is in a few days, when is yours?" She asked him. She was one of the oldest people in their grade so she planned on teasing him about being the younger one.

"June 5th." Draco said with a bit of a smile, he was almost always the youngest of his friend group. He looked forward to teasing her about being old.

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