56. Fighting Forgiveness

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Song: In My Blood- Shawn Mendes

"Well you should have thought about that when you up and decided I wasn't a priority in your life." The woman complained, her brown hair looking dull in the light, her eyes surprisingly normal even with her annoyance. The shade over the small back porch made shadows over her face, little horizontal lines, as though she was standing in front of a window with the blinds open.

His face held the same shading, his freckles peering out of his pale skin, his red hair looking like stripes of orange where the light shone in it. The blue of his irises seemed dark in comparison to everything blandly hued. "You were always my priority," his eyes were glossy while hers were matte.

The feminine voice argued back and forth with the masculine, becoming an androgynous discord.

"How can you even say that? You worshipped alcohol over me."

"I did not and I've quit since then."

"Ha! You, quit drinking? Ronald, you have never quit anything you enjoyed. Its leaving things you obviously don't care about, that's your specialty."

"It sure didn't feel like I was leaving something I didn't care for when I begged Bellatrix to torture me instead. And it sure as Hell didn't feel that bloody brilliant to take detention for protecting someone I didn't care about."

"You want to sit here and pretend you were there for me whenever I needed it? Where was the Ron I loved when I casted Obliviate on my parents? Where was the Ron I needed when I was in the Forest of Dean? Where was he when I was having panic attacks everyday? Where was he while I was finishing my schooling alone as Head Girl? Hm? Where was he when I walked in on him and Lavender Brown shagging!?"

"I'm sorry I'm never good enough for you, okay! I'm sorry I couldn't be there twenty-four seven to handle your every little bloody need! Where was the woman I fell in love with when I came back to the Forest of Dean? Where was she when my brother died? Where was she when I started drinking? Where was she when I needed her?"

"I was there for you, for every second you grieved the day Fred passed! I was there for you for months! I may not have been physically there but I sent you letters as often as possible, patronus after patronus. I cared for you even while I was fighting my own battles with getting my parents back and what did you do? You never replied to a single one!"

"I was busy keeping George alive! You think I wanted to just ignore them all!? I didn't have time to be responding to little messages about your Mum remembering your birthday! What was I even supposed to do with that?"

"Don't you dare lie to me like that! You had all the time in the damned world to reply with a simple 'busy love, talk later' but you never did. You were my boyfriend and I couldn't rely on you for a second!"

"You try having a panic attack and having some message come your way! You wouldn't-"

"I did, Ron! Many! And if you had ever cared enough to listen, you would know that! I cried every night I was at my parents and you know what, I still had the audacity to tell them you were a nice person."

"How was I supposed to keep a relationship from across the planet?! I was just expected to be bloody perfect at all times? You cannot just ask that of a man, Hermione."

"I wasn't asking for perfection! I deserved someone who at least tried! The Ron I needed and loved was not the one I got, instead I got a narcissistic arsehole who only ever cared about his damned drugs!"

"You blame the alcohol for everything in this relationship! It was your fault too, ya know!? You never asked me to go back to school with you, you never asked me for help, you just expected it like I knew everything."

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