32. Year's Yearning

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Song: Hey Juliet- LMNT

Hermione woke up in a cold sweat, she had another nightmare about the war. They always haunted with the thought of Harry's death. Had he died that day, she knew her life would be hell. Muggleborns would've been captured and most likely tortured to death. Her dreams often depicted Bellatrix Lestrange, Lucious Malfoy, and or Fenrir Greyback as her torturers. She shivered, she always regretted her decision to live alone, she missed having Ginny or George to comfort her after a nightmare.

She let out a sigh, trying to calm down before getting up. It was still early in the morning, she would have work in a few hours. Reaching as high as she could, her hands found the tea pot. She filled it with water and set it on a lit stove burner. Her elbows fell to the counter, her head in hands, partially falling back to sleep.

A snore exited Hermione's mouth before the tea pot hissed loudly and promptly woke her. Eyes wide, she stumbled a little, turning off the flame. She got a cup and tea bag ready, pouring the hot water into it and stirring it gently. Her eyes kept falling for seconds at a time before opening to focus on her drink. As tired as Hermione was, she knew from experience that she couldn't fall back asleep.

She drank the tea in silence. The clock in the living room shone 5:00AM in bright, bold, red, characters. It was almost blinding her to look at the small digital device. Her view traveled to the windows, seeking out anything interesting. The water was shining as usual, the sun barely peaking over the horizon.

The chamomile warmed her body as the view warmed her heart. Hermione would hangout with Draco later that day, it was New Years and he had planned something extra special. She hoped he would take her on a gondola ride down the canal, they always looked so beautiful in muggle movies. She could imagine the fireworks going off in the sky and through her body as she'd kiss him at midnight.

Hermione arrived to work, jittery but tired at the same time. Ever since Cedric had apparated with Draco, she had strayed away from talking about her life with him. She didn't want Cedric to remember the things he'd said or experienced that day, it was better to be ignored.

"Got any plans tonight, 'Mio?" Cedric asked her, she jumped a little as she was off in her own little daydream.

Her eyes travel back to him as she spoke. "I do," she said with a smile before turning and angrily whispering, "but I don't know what they are."

He was very disappointed to hear that she would be busy, "oh, well, I have my own plans as well. I'll be hanging out with my family and watching the fireworks like usual." He looked at the ground before facing the back of her head, "what will you be up to?"

"Oh, that's the thing, I have no idea. Draco has some kind of date planned out and I'm not allowed to know about it. He's rather good at keeping me on my toes, I guess." She let out a short laugh, wiping down the stove top with a wet rag.

Cedric's voice faltered before gaining back its volume, "s-sounds amusing. I hope you have fun. He picking you up after your shift?" His body shivered and he awkwardly set his arm on the table.

She nodded with another grin on her face, "mhm, I'm sure it'll be lots of fun, he does try to be a comedian." Another giggle escaped her mouth as she opened the saloon doors and entered the dining area to clean.

He watched her work, liking the way her hips swayed when she was in a good mood. Her smile lit up the room and her skin glowed in the sunlight. Hermione's hair was shining and perfectly curled, her nightmare had given her time to actually care what she looked like.

Cedric was seemingly in a trance till she snapped her fingers in his face. "You know its rude to stare?" More laughter rang through her body and his face began to redden. "I-i wasn't staring. I just spaced out a little." He rubbed his neck as the blush spread from ear to ear. She had never called him out before but she knew he stared at her often. Something about today brought out her teasing nature and witty remarks.

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