1. Summer Stay

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Song: Tessa Violet- Crush

Draco had just gotten off his shift at Malfoy Incorperated, the business he had created right after he graduated from Hogwarts. He was one of the youngest self made billionaires. All ladies and men wanted to either date him or be him. Draco was wearing his classy suit that he had worn to work that day, and knocked, waiting for someone to open the door. Suddenly, Molly opened it and Draco offered her a genuine smile. "Mrs. Weasley!" He charmed her, "Thank you so much for letting me stay here this summer." He said holding his bag in hand.

Molly smiled and hugged him tightly, "Oh dear, it is so lovely to see you! Come inside, everybody is in the kitchen!" Draco stepped inside the burrow and smiled at all his friends and greeted them with hugs. Finally, Draco saw Hermione. He grinned at her, "Well if it isn't the smartest witch of her year, Granger... Where's my hug?" He smirked at her, "You missed me didn't you? "

Hermione looked at him skeptically, she didn't remember Ron or any of the Weasleys for that matter, mention he would be staying. She kind of wondered why he was staying in the first place. But if Mrs. Weasley could welcome him into her home, she could welcome him too. She walked up to him and realized she didn't know what to do with her arms.

It ended up an awkward hug, one arm under his armpit the other arm between his neck and shoulder. She kind of patted his back and said, "Hi Malfoy, Fancy seeing you here." She pulled away from the hug, a slight blush of embarrassment on her cheeks.

"Hahha I knew you missed me, Granger, can't resist my charm can you?" He smirked at her with a little laugh.

Hermione scrunched her eyebrows at him, "I think the word 'missed' is a stretch." She said haughtily, it was a mix of a joke and a serious tone. Hermione watched as he greeted the rest of the Weasleys, it was strangely friendly, just like how Hermione had always greeted them.

She pulled Molly aside and asked politely, "Mrs. Weasley? May I talk with you in the kitchen?" Hermione asked politely.

Molly smiled at Hermione endearingly. "Of course, sweetheart." She said as she made her way into the kitchen, Hermione following close on her tail.

Hermione cast a Muffliato charm around the room and turned towards Molly. "May I ask why.. everyone is suddenly so fond of Draco and he has a bag packed to stay here all summer?" Hermione looked baffled, she wondered if it was all a dream and she should be admitted to a mental ward.

Molly just let out a small laugh, "oh dear don't be silly! Haven't you heard? Draco has been extremely nice to our family ever since the war. Actually, he got Arthur his job back, donated generously to the twins shop so they could resume business, and apologized to our family for the way he has treated us all over the years. The war has pleasantly changed him Hermione dear." She said turning towards the table to cut up some vegetables for dinner.

Hermione frowned slightly. "I haven't heard anything abou-" Molly interrupted her, "that's because you ran off to Italy when Ron, well, you know what he did." Molly offered her a sad smile. Molly hated that her daughter had moved away for those couple months.

"I'm sorry Mrs. Weasley, you know I had to get away. I couldn't stay here.." Hermione hugged Molly as Molly spoke. "Well, ever since, Draco has been having dinner with us every Friday and we have grown rather fond of him. So, as he needed a place to stay we offered up our home. You should really get to know him, he really is a dashing young man." Molly smiled as she pestered Hermione.

Hermione stared at Molly as though she were a nargle riding a unicycle, "alright, I'll try." She said before leaving the kitchen to discover the Weasley children surrounding Draco.


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