51. Scathing Slurs

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Song: Alone Together- Fall Out Boy

*Warning: Comments Looking To Harass Those Of The LGBTQ+ And Or Other Communities Will Not Be Handled Lightly. If You Feel It Might Be Offensive, Don't Comment At All.*

Flashback Chapter

He couldn't think of a time he'd ever been so nervous to go to school. He'd gone as far as wearing muggle clothing on the train, even Harry's goodbye and goodluck didn't help.

Keeping the hood of his sweater over his face, he put his trunk above the seat and sat in the empty compartment. He hoped the book he'd brought would cheer him up or at least calm his nerves.

He sat and curled up in a way where people entering the compartment couldn't see his face. His back laid against the wall, his shoes against the seat and his knees propped up but not too close. He rested his fingers against his lap as he read, waiting for the train to move and hoping that no one came in.

Fate still hated him, it made it rather obvious from time to time. "Here's an empty one, look Ville," a feminine voice said, it was very airy and higher pitched. The door slid open and Draco unconsciously pulled the hood further over his head. "Luna, there's someone in the corner. Um.. may we sit in here? We've arrived a bit late and a lot of the Slytherins aren't allowing us in," a masculine voice spoke this time, more deep and slightly raspy.

Draco knew them both and took a breath, wondering if he should pretend to be someone else and disguise his voice. "Th-that's fine," his tone was full of nerves and he cursed at himself for being awkward and stuttery.

"Thank you," the man said, Draco could see them both now as they came fully in the compartment. They had someone else with them that made him regret letting them in. "Do you cover your ears with a hood to prevent the wrackspurts from getting in?" The girl from before asked.

He hoped she couldn't actually see his face and he tried to avoid the question by shaking his head. The man interupted, "Luna, I don't think he wants to talk to us."

"Nonsense, he's just a little nervous, that's all. I imagine its because of his father's predicament." Draco could feel Luna staring into his soul. He knew where she was sitting that no one else would see him but she obviously already knew who he was. Turning, he faced her, cheeks flushed in bitter anger and a pinch of misery.

"What?" The man asked. Luna met Draco's eyes, the man becoming alarmed as the blonde moved. "Oh, I see, its because you don't want to be recognized. The nargles are already getting to me, Hogwarts really ought to get an exterminator," Luna smiled at Draco. He turned away and tried to just focus on his book again.

The third guest spoke up, "Whose father? Who is he?" Draco didn't know this voice as well but it wasn't as deep as Longbottom. He pulled his legs closer to himself, failing at holding his attention to the pages.

"Nobody of your concern, Terry." Luna smiled. Neville and Terry both looked at her oddly but waved it off. Both still held a mutual curiosity for who the boy in a black hoodie and faded grey jeans was.

When the train came to a stop, Draco was the first up to get his stuff and attempt to exit the compartment. Since the war, Terry had developed anxious tendencies like most of the school. "Who are you!?"

Draco froze after a slight jump. "Terry," Neville warned. Terry didn't listen, coming up behind Draco when the blonde didn't answer. His hood was pulled down and he wouldn't move an inch.

Luna frowned, "Terry Boot, you need to get control of your emotions. Here, Draco, I'll fix it for you, you look like you've been petrified."

He wasn't sure why but he let her pull his hood back up, adjusting it once her hands had moved. He was off rather quickly afterwards even with hearing Terry and Neville argue about why he should and shouldn't be there. His heart pounded in his chest.

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