30. Pink Palette

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Song: Like I'm Gonna Lose You- Meghan Trainor ft John Legend

Hermione had been in the grocery store shopping. Suddenly, she looked up, standing in the vegetable aisle and she saw Draco. She sped towards him, tapping him on the shoulder as she spoke, "Pardon? Would you hurry up."

She teased him, "Some of us want to buy Granny Smith apples as well." Draco looked up from the bag he had been filling to the brim with the round fruits.

He peered down at her and held her tightly. "Like you'd ever buy a green apple, you told me you hated them." He laughed at her. She giggled lightly before snaking her arms around his waist.

Pulling away, Hermione took his hand, "Hurry with your shopping, we have a cake to make at my apartment." She smiled gesturing to the ingredients in her basket.

He finished putting apples into a plastic bag then gently set them down in the wheeled carriage device. "I still need to fetch some milk, but after I've gotten it, I will join you in building that cake."

"Okay, I'll come with you." She smiled and set her basket in the child's seat of his trolley.

He rolled his eyes and teased her as he pushed the cart, "making the man do all the work for you?" She smirked playfully, "why not? You seem happy to do it." Her hand looped under and held onto his forearm as they walked.

"Maybe. Won't confirm or deny." Draco smirked back at her. He liked how she made him feel wanted and useful. He was never just some toy, she didn't just use him as a rebound like others had. She actually liked him and enjoyed his company, even when he was being annoying.

They checked out and paid for everything, starting to walk out of the store. "Let's stop by your place so you drop all that off," she smiled.

He grinned back at her grabbing her hand and walking towards an area with no people. He let go of her hand to wrap an arm around her.

They disappeared into thin air then reappeared in his apartment. "You can set your stuff on the table over there while you wander," Draco pointed to a light colored table near a window then traveled into his kitchen to put things away. His apartment was nothing close to the size of the manner, though, it was still just as beautiful if not more. The little red accents around the white and peach walls made the rooms seem more artsy and relaxing. He loved every bit of it and he liked to think Hermione did too as he watched her walk around a bit.

Hermione placed her belongings on the counter before following Draco into the kitchen. She then sat down at the counter as she watched Draco put everything away. "So..." she started, "Would you like to stay for dinner also? I can make stir fry, I know you love it," she smiled at him sweetly, watching him reach into cabinets and repeatedly open the refrigerator.

He turned around to face her after putting everything away, a smile on his face when he saw the way she looked at him. "I'd be delighted to join you for dinner." He set his elbows on the opposite side of the counter as Hermione and propped his head up on his hands, staring into her eyes. He knew he missed the chocolate brown swirls and golden freckles of her iris but he didn't know he missed them this much.

"So, what kind of cake are we making? Are we leaving now or would you like to chill here for a bit?" Question after question left his mouth, he didn't like not knowing exact plans.

"Well I have ice in my bags, we should hurry to my place so it doesn't melt," she grinned at him and stood up to go grab her bags. "Oh and it's a strawberry shortcake!" Her eyes met his in curiosity, "is that alright?"

He laughed a little, her expression reminded him of Crabbe, he was constantly confused. Draco really did miss him, even if he was a total idiot. "Of course that's alright. I like every kind of cake. You know I have a sweet tooth. Unless its jelly beans, I think Bertie Botts scared me away from those forever," he chuckled.

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