40. Embittered Explaination

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Song: Jeremy Zucker- Come Thru

Draco sat on the counter and watched her as he wasn't allowed to cook anything. He'd almost burned down the apartment a few times, not understanding how appliances worked or just letting things cook longer than needed.

The padding of tiny feet could be heard through the wood floored hallways. Draco smiled and hopped down to sit behind the cabinet near the kitchen entrance. "What are you-" Hermione went to ask, he shushed her.

She rolled her eyes and looked up to see her sister coming around the corner. Oh he is a little brat, she thought with a small smile. As expected, Allison came into the kitchen and Draco jumped up, scaring her very successfully. The nine year old screamed, holding a hand to her chest as Draco laughed. He just about fell over from how amused he was.

"Not funny!" Allison told him, shoving his shoulders. "I-i'm sor-ry, I couldn't not d-do it," he spoke through heavy breaths. She stuck her tongue out at him before venturing to where Hermione was.

"What cha makin?" Allison stood not much shorter than Hermione. The child was 4"4' while Hermione was a little over five feet tall. She had to lift herself a little to see what Hermione had on the skillet.

"Your favorite," Hermione smiled down at her sister, ruffling her black hair. "Finally! Mum and dad never make them, say it takes too much work." Allison grinned, hugging Hermione.

"Oh I know, I only got them if I made them myself or it was a holiday," Hermione still saw it odd to have a sister when she'd been an only child for so long. It was nice having someone who knew how weird her parents were even if she was eleven years younger.

"So excited for my birthday, and Valentines, and Christmas." She went on to list other occasions as Hermione listened with a bit of laughter. Draco was standing nearby, watching as the siblings talked and chuckling at Allison's enthusiasm.

Not long after Allison woke up, so did the other Grangers. "What is with the piano music?" Wendel asked as him and Monica sat in barstools.

"Pretty great, right?" Draco smiled, looking at the tiny radio then the adults at the bar. Monica shook her head, "Maybe if the year was 1910."

He bit his lip in a frown as Hermione laughed an "I told you so." Draco met her eyes and put his hands on his hips, "Do all of your plans for today include insulting me?"

She pretended to ponder it, him reacting by saying, "Oh bugger off." She laughed more as he rolled his eyes.

It wasn't too many hours later that the family and Draco went to the Burrow for usual Sunday activity. They flooed to save energy for returning her parents home later that night. Hermione did her best to dust herself off before doing a thorough cleaning of Draco's shirt as well.

Allison went to sit in the dining room to talk with George while the adults chatted amongst themselves. It took Draco until now to realize the red of Hermione's shirt didn't belong to her. "Hey, I asked you where this was this morning!"

She tried to stay serious, looking down at it in fake shock. "This is yours? Really? I thought this was a shirt of mine, I mean, you never wear bright colors so I just assumed." He bit his lip and stared blankly down at her, "You totally could've been a Slytherin."

Hermione rolled her eyes and leaned more into him on the couch. "What are you all cold about? You have my sweater on." Draco's arm wrapped around her shoulders as she giggled, "Hey, you moved in with me. What's yours is now mine." The Grangers were talking to the Weasleys as old friends do discussing, without a doubt, the event of moving Hermione into the apartment.

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