39. Surpass Sappy

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Song: Lego House- Ed Sheeran

Draco woke to arms wrapped around his waist and little peices of hair tickling him. He turned his head to see he was Hermione's little spoon and smiled, there was a small grin on her sleeping face. He turned and she fell to be on top of him.

Playing with her hair, he smiled. She shuffled a little, her leg tucking between his and her arm wrapping tighter around him. He laughed quietly, "Good morning, beautiful."

Hermione yawned mid speech, "Good mor-ning." Her eyes stayed closed as if she could fall back asleep any second. Draco's hand caressed her cheek and she smiled, bringing her fingers to his. She pulled his hand away from her face and put her fingers between his, squeezing lightly.

"Happy to be finally moved in?" He asked, pushing more curls out of her eyes. She nodded, "Mhm," another yawn echoed in the room, "No more going back and forth all the time."

"No more lonely nights. No more mornings not waking up to you." He kissed her forehead and smirked. "Nowhere to escape you," she said sleepily. "Hey!" He rolled his eyes at her laughter.

She looked up at him with a toothy grin, "You'll have to deal with me all day everyday. You sure you can deal with my teasing?" He smiled mischievously, "I have ways to get you back for it." He pulled his hand from hers and put it on her waist.

"No!" She tore herself from him. He pulled her back and under him, tickling her. She laughed loudly, "N-no fair!"

"This is totally fair punishment! No way are you leaving me!" Tears came to her eyes as she was in hysterics, him laughing as well. "O-okay, I w-won't joke about th-that! S-stop it!" She poorly swatted his hands away only for them to be tickling her again a second later.

"Mm it'll take a lot more than that to convince me, Herms." He paused briefly for her to gather her breath. "And what would that be?" She asked, panting for air.

He made a face at her and his eyebrows wiggled suggestively. She rolled her eyes and brought her hands around his neck to peck his lips teasingly, "Happy?"

"You know for a fact I'm not." He bit his lip and reached to tickle her again. In a panic, she pulled him closer to kiss him again. He smiled and reciprocated.

"You're a sap, you know that?" Hermione giggled. "Only for you," he grinned. "You're just proving my point," she laughed again.

"Maybe I like being sappy. Seems to make you cheerful." He leaned down and kissed her nose. "Mmm, maybe," she hid a smile as she twirled a blonde lock with her finger.

His brows rose, making his eyes look wider, "Shall I prove it to you?" She pretended to seem uninterested, "I don't know, should you?"

*Make-Out Warning*
*skip if uncomfortable*

It drove him crazy as she'd wanted. He pushed his lips to hers, she pretended not to care which pissed him off more. He bit her lip and snuck his tongue into her mouth. Still, she ignored him. He became less frivolous and more so amorous, trying to get any sort of reaction.

When he pulled away, she looked up at him with no expression. "Is that all you got?" Though he knew she was goading him, he was still upset at her words. He glared down at her, "You're such an arse."

She grinned then gasped as his mouth met her neck. She squirmed a little, "Drake, that tickles!" He pulled away to speak before returning to the task, "I'm glad."

"You're going to leave marks if you keep that up," she tried to wriggle away, smiling like an idiot, and lightly pushing at his chest. "Mm that was the plan," he smirked, moving to the other side. "And I'm the arse. I have work tomorrow and my family is here!" She giggled as his hair tickled her cheeks.

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