19. Bothering Bunch

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Song: Fix You- Coldplay- Boyce Avenue and Tyler Ward Cover

Draco hadn't stopped begging Molly to tell him where Hermione was. It had become a nightly thing for him. She was always patient with him and calmly told him she couldn't say. Draco was very persistent in his endeavors. He was doing his absolute best to convince her. The night he went back to work, he was actually crying as he begged her. Still, she told him no.

Draco really thought Molly would have broken by now and just told him. He was so tired of waiting and it'd been two weeks. It was now the beginning of October, the leaves were starting to turn oranges and reds. The foliage was beautiful but not enough to distract him from his mission.

He'd had countless arguments with Molly about how he would find Hermione, even if she had moved on he could bring her back to him. "Draco! You will not find her! You don't know where she lives in Italy and the cities are so big you couldn't possibly search them fast enough. Who knows where she will be at different times of the day, you could go somewhere and watch for her but you'll have already missed her arrival by an hour. Draco, its just an insane impulsive idea!" She would shout at him to reconsider but he never gave in.

"Molly, I will find her. I don't care if it takes years, I will find her. I don't care if she's moved on and has a Fiancé when I get to her. I have to see her again, I have to let her know I'm innocent. I have to go there and hold her one more time and tell her I love her when I'm not crying my eyes out with some raspy voice. She loves me and she wants me there and I'll be damned if I don't at least try." Draco ran from the kitchen that night and slammed the bedroom door shut. He held his thighs to his chest, breathing heavily. If he were able he'd go back in time to the day she left, he would've risked being splinched, holding onto her as she aparated away from him. He hated himself so much for not realizing what Lavender had planned that day. He was much stronger than her, he could've prevented it. He should've just opened the bathroom door and held Hermione instead of standing outside so long, waiting for her to let him in. He hated himself for being so stupid..

He let his head fall into his knees and he sat there for the remainder of the day. George had even bothered him, like usual, and Draco didn’t move. George often gave him some kind of inspirational speech about how he could get over her and make his life better but George said just as much that Draco should fight to get her back.

Even George was asking Molly where Hermione lived now. Molly was a tuff nut to crack, most were sure not even Arthur knew where Hermione had gone. Arthur always looked like he would give up the information if he knew what it was, like he was just begging to scream out a city name and help Draco pack his stuff to go there.

Molly and Ron were the only Weasleys who didn't support that Draco is going to find Hermione. Harry supported him too and was also part of the Bothering Molly Committee. You could tell she was going crazy by the day. It was only a short amount of time before she broke and told him, Draco could see it coming.

The days went on and Draco was partially using Harry as a distraction so he didn't pester Molly 24/7. They would sit on their brooms in the back yard a lot, playing a dangerous game of tag or pass with the quaffle. Harry's Firebolt was still faster than Draco's Nimbus 2001. Draco had ridden this broom so long it was actually getting slower. Harry's was a bit worn where he sat but his broom was still a tad better being a year younger than Draco's. Since the war, new brooms were still coming out but they didn't play Qudditich on a team anymore so they didn't care to upgrade. Sometimes Harry would invite Ginny to play with them and, as a professional Quidditch player, she always had top of the line. She would fly circles around them and steal the quaffle so easily, it was rather frustrating.

When the games were over, Draco always went to shower then right back to pestering Molly. He spent at least an hour a day between before and after work, trying to get any piece of information. On weekends he got in three hours minimum. Molly was starting to grow bags under her eyes from the constant vigilance. Her voice had gotten more dull from trying to convince him to stop bugging her about Hermione. It had been almost 3 weeks of hearing him moan and whine about her location. She always slept like a rock at night, it was exhausting listening to Draco, Harry, and George all of the time. After so long, now Ginny had joined in. Draco would be lying if he said he didn't feel bad for how this was affecting Molly but he knew if he kept being persistent she would tell him then he'd be out of her hair and off to Italy for who knows how long. She would do well to tell him sooner rather than later, surely telling him would cause her less stress.

Draco had just gotten to work and started writing Hermione's letter.

"Dearest Hermione,

The house still feels empty without you, today marks the one month of when you left. I've heard Bill and Fleur will be visiting soon with their daughter. I know you like kids and probably wish you'd be here for it. I'll hug the little baby for you, even though I don't want spit up ruining my shirt.

You missed a fine game of 'Quidditch' yesterday. Ginny beat Harry and I like always. Harry actually fell off his broom and Ginny had to catch him. Pretty funny seeing the boy who lived being swaddled in a Weasley's arms.

We all miss you, especially Harry, George, Ginny, and I. I think Arthur is starting to believe you aren't coming back, he's always looking upset these days. Molly looks tired as ever, though that might be my fault.

Anyways, I miss you, love you lots.

-Draco" He had ran out of things to say to her to try and convince her to come back. He knew Hermione would never cave, she was way too stubborn. Most of his letters the past week discussed what he'd done that day and always ended in 'i miss you' and or 'i love you'. He really did wish she would just come back, even for a day, but he knew she wouldn't. He would just have to find her.


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