57. Wise Wording

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Song: Honeybee- The Head and The Heart

She sighed in fake annoyance, "If I must.."

"I could ask someone else to go if it'd bother you so much," he said snarkily.

Feeling immediately jealous at the idea, she regretted teasing him. "No!... I want to, it was a joke." Her face flushed in embarrassment.

His laugh echoing through the house made her face even darker. "You mean I'm not allowed to take Arthur?"

She bit her bottom lip, feeling the sweat on her forehead. Even with not physically seeing him, she knew he was smirking in the other room, chuckling in small increments.

Mumbling, Hermione complained that Arthur wouldn't even want to come. "He would too," Draco interupted her thoughts, finishing up the button on the cuff of his shirt as he entered the kitchen.

"He'd be pretending," the brunette rolled her eyes. "You better be kidding, Harry said the man danced up a storm at his and Ginny's wedding." The blonde remarked.

"I suppose but that wasn't ballroom dancing, there's a big difference." She watched as he leaned against a counter, admiring today's attire. "Still a bunch of formally dressed men and women pretending to know what they're doing," he smiled at her, knowing she was trying to hide a laugh. "That will be me," she whispered.

He shook his head, "You are a beautiful dancer. Very elegant, besides you stepping on my feet all the time."

"I'm rubbish even Harry dances better than me and he is a klutz." She folded her arms, sighing. Hermione often wondered why Draco even liked her, she had such little to offer him. She wasn't a great dancer, she hadn't known him all that long, she was nothing like any of his family or friends; she saw no reason for him to even notice her in the first place.

He shook his head again, pulling her arms apart and twirling her. "You are just out of practice." She about fell into his arms, rolling her eyes. "You keep telling yourself that."

"Gladly, darling," he hummed a four beat tune, slow dancing with her. She couldn't help but try to watch her feet but he was far too close for that. "Just focus on me," he told her, moving her hands to proper placement, one against his shoulder and the other in his own.

She apologized, looking to his eyes shortly before she stepped on his foot and apologized again, attempting to pull away. He shook his head, "Darling, its okay. Don't worry about my feet."

He held up their hands motioning her to walk a circle, holding her looser as she came back. "Baby steps, this one is called the box step. Put your feet together."

She bit her lip, knowing he really was trying to stop her need for embarrassment. "I'm going to take a step with my left forward, you will take one with your right backward." He tried to make it textbook, following her steps and staying apart far enough she could see his feet.

"Barely touch the floor then move your left to the left, the right joining to stand. I'm always going to do the opposite of you," he smiled as she wobbled a little, thinking the shoes she had picked out would be her downfall that night. "Forward left, right to your right, let the left follow then just repeat."

"Which foot back?" She looked to him as she stood with her feet together. "Left, think of this corner as the start, you always start on left." He grinned as she clumsily completed one box.

Hermione wasn't one to give up but she also wasn't the biggest fan of things that didn't come easy. She stepped on his feet less but that was only because she was allowed to look at them, this didn't last long as he saw her getting the hang of it.

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