26. Friends First

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Song: I Won't Give Up- Jason Mraz

(If you haven't seen the new edits of last chapter please read them before continuing to this one. Thanks and enjoy.)

Hermione held a small paper in her hand. She debated on what to do with it. The little slip had Draco's address on it, she didn't know if she should find him or not. Monday and she still hadn't made a decision.

Hermione sighed loudly, "what is wrong with me?" Cedric looked at her weirdly from across the counter.

"You doing okay, 'Mio?" He asked her, placing his hand on top of hers. She freaked out a little and took her hand from his, she hadn't noticed she actually said what she was thinking. "I-i'm fine, Cedric." She got back to work having realized her day dreaming distracted her.

"We both know that's a lie." He said squinting at her.

"Ced, I really am fine. I'm in a decent mood, just a bit conflicted." She mentally facepalmed, she said too much, now he would question her.

"What's got your mind wandering?" He smiled at her with interest. She sighed again but lighter this time.

"Draco gave me his address and I don't know if I should go there or not. I've been pondering it since we saw him on Friday. I just can't decide.." She fumbled with the paper, looking down at her hands.

Cedric took her hand again, "You really don't have to worry about him. You could just pretend he never came here at all." She frowned at him, "Ced, I couldn't do that."

He pouted, "why not? Life here was great before he came back." He scoffed and held her hand tighter, looking at her with disagreeable eyes.

Hermione yanked her hand from his. She was about ready to slap him but held herself back. "Life was good for you. For me, it was Hell. I knew he was looking for me, i knew he was coming here. I didn't know when but I knew it'd be soon. You weren't there to see how happy we were before she ruined everything so I don't want to hear it from you." She walked away and back into the kitchen to pull biscuits out of the oven. She set them on the rack to cool before walking into the dining room to clean the table a couple had just left.

Cedric came up to her and held her arm. He had a normal grasp on it but she was still uncomfortable. "I know enough to know he hurt you. Why are you so willing to accept him back? You're just gonna go right back to him after four months of ignoring him?"

She pulled her arm away from him. "Because I was wrong, Cedric. I let my emotions get the best of me and I didn't hear him out all those months ago. I shouldn't have ever came here.. i should've listened to him and stayed at the Weasleys.." Hermione was slowly making up her mind about what she wanted.

"So you just wish you'd never met me?" He looked at her with hurt in his eyes, they watered. She stayed silent for a second, just as she was about to say something, Cedric interupted. "I see how it is. He matters more to you than I do. He really has brought out your worst colors, 'Mio." With that, he left the shop.

Hermione followed him with her eyes as he walked toward his home. She hadn't expected him to react so harsh and jealously. She took a deep breath and just let it go, she knew he'd be back sooner or later.

By the time her shift ended, Hernione had decided to visit him. She put up her apron as always then walked behind the building. She thought of the address as she apparated.

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